
摘要Message by Audrey Azoulay for Nelson Mandela International Day 2022

Nelson Mandela International Day 2022

Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of Nelson Mandela International Day文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13470.html



18 July 2022文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13470.html



At a time when international tensions are growing, at a time when economic and social difficulties have triggered a search for scapegoats, Nelson Mandela International Day is an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of this renowned statesman, who advocated for a fairer, more peaceful world.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13470.html




As he so eloquently stated, “no one is born hating another person […]. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.”




Here at UNESCO, where we strive to build peace in the minds of women and men, this conviction underpins all of our actions. This is why, every year on 18 July, we celebrate the birth of Nelson Mandela, whose life has never ceased to inspire, even eight years after his death. It is no coincidence that he won the first Félix Houphouët-Boigny – UNESCO Peace Prize, along with Frederik W. De Klerk, in 1991.


在力求于人之思想中构建和平的教科文组织,这一信念是我们所有行动的基石。正因如此,每年7月18日,我们都会纪念纳尔逊·曼德拉诞辰,他的生平事迹一直在源源不断地给我们以激励,即便是在他离世八年后的今天。1991 年,他与弗雷德里克·W·德克勒克(Frederik W. De Klerk)共同荣膺第一届费利克斯·乌弗埃-博瓦尼—教科文组织和平奖,可谓实至名归。


UNESCO is continuing Mandela’s fight to defend the fundamental rights of all human beings, regardless of their nationality, gender or race. This commitment to honouring Mandela’s life and legacy is visible across all our initiatives and programmes.




It is visible, for instance, in our celebration of all forms of cultural expression, which allow individuals, groups and society to convey their shared humanity. It is visible in our work to support press freedom and media and information literacy, because critical thinking is a powerful bulwark against hateful discourse.




It is also visible in our Global Call against Racism, launched in 2020 to generate worldwide recognition of the urgency of anti-racism action. This Call was followed by the organization of a World Forum against Racism, the second edition of which will take place in Mexico City next November; and by the development of a new strategy to strengthen the effectiveness of our long-standing actions in this field.


这一承诺,还体现在我们为唤起全世界对反种族主义行动紧迫性的认识而于 2020年发起的《反对种族主义的全球呼吁》之中。在该呼吁发出之后,我们组织了一届反对种族主义和歧视全球论坛,并将于今年11月在墨西哥城举行第二届论坛;我们还制定了一项新的战略,以增强我们在这一领域长期行动的实效。


In particular, this strategy will bolster our Routes of Enslaved Peoples project which, since 1994, has sought to break down the wall of silence surrounding the history of slavery – ensuring that our collective memory lives on. This new strategy will also build on UNESCO’s General History of Africa, by using it as an educational tool that tells Africa’s history from an African perspective.




Nelson Mandela described racism and discrimination as a prison, where oppressors are “locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness.” In a world facing new and emerging crises, breaking down these barriers is more urgent than ever.




UNESCO is firmly committed to this goal – and to upholding Mandela’s life as an incredible source of inspiration for defenders of fundamental human rights across countries and across generations.



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