Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust文章源自英文巴士-
27 January 2023文章源自英文巴士-
Every year, on the anniversary of the day on which Soviet troops entered the AuschwitzBirkenau German Nazi concentration and extermination camp, 27 January 1945, the international community calls for the commemoration, throughout the world, of the victims of the Shoah. Let us remember the 6 million Jews who, along with so many other victims of Nazi hatred, were murdered; let us also remember those who survived.文章源自英文巴士-
Seventy-eight years later, the number of survivors is dwindling; there are ever fewer left to tell their story, to bear witness to the genocide, to carry the experience in their memory.
This is why it is more urgent than ever that we all take on the responsibility of ourselves becoming witnesses to this history; we must make sure that the victims are never forgotten. Moreover, we must remember that such horrors can always happen again.
UNESCO, which was founded in the aftermath of this genocide, is committed to keeping this memory alive and to building defences against hatred in the minds of women and men. It does so by teaching about the Shoah and about all the types of violence born of racism, discrimination and prejudice.
However, at a time when social networks provide a new echo chamber for conspiracy theorists, Holocaust deniers, falsifiers, antisemites and racists, we must redouble our efforts to stand up to those who share their views.
This is the very point of our work on media and information literacy (MIL); UNESCO helps its Member States to incorporate MIL into school curricula so that younger generations can develop critical thinking and be able to fight the spread of hate speech.
To that end, UNESCO and the World Jewish Congress have partnered with Facebook and TikTok to ensure that Holocaust-related searches on these platforms redirect users to the verified information on our website, which is available in 19 languages.
In the similar hope of promoting access to reliable information while also guaranteeing freedom of expression, UNESCO is organizing a major international conference at its Headquarters next month. It is bringing together representatives from the field of information and digital technologies with decision-makers and regulators from around the world so that together they can reflect on and define the principles which should govern digital platforms.
Keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive is the fulfilment of a universal duty, a duty to humanity, which is UNESCO’s raison d’être: uprooting hatred, building peace, and, thus, protecting humanity. On this International Day, let us commit to always remembering. We owe it to the victims of the Shoah, we owe it to the survivors, we owe it, finally, to all the generations to come.