
摘要On the First Day of Spring

On the Advent of Spring

Xin Qi-ji文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/14130.html


Spring is back again. Look! Ladies wearing seasonal pennants in their coiffures, as is the custom, colourful little pennants waving welcome. The wind and rain, somehow, yet hesitate to take the last touch off the air. I suppose the swallows would not fail to visit the west garden in their dreams tonight. Not so keen myself: no orange wine for the libation, nor onions green and fragrant to offer the gods.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/14130.html


O East Wind! You are going to have a busy time, aren’t you? So many plum blossoms to be scented, so many willows to paint. If you have a moment to spare, you will come and tamper with my image in the mirror. For I am oppressed with a sense of desolation, and day after day, sorrow begets sorrow. How is the chain to be broken? I dread the sight of flowers blooming and then falling; I dread the dawn when the winged messenger returns with no message from those lost in the Tartar sands.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/14130.html


(翁显良 译)文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/14130.html


Tune title: Spring in Han Palace (Han-kung-ch’un)文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/14130.html

Title: On the First Day of Spring文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/14130.html

Hsin Ch’i-Chi


Spring has returned!

Just look at spring’s streamers and ribbons

Gracefully dancing on pretty maidens’ heads.

Alas, the indiscriminate wind and rain

Yet reluctant to store away the lingering cold!

Seasonal swallows,

I imagine, will this night

Dream of returning to their orchard,

Though unprepared to scent

The golden tangerines that go with wine

Among green leeks and scallions piled on the plate.


From this time on, I should laugh at the east wind

That perfumes the plum flowers and dyes the willow

Without any let-up;

Then steal one idle moment, looking at a mirror,

And see the ruby color fade from my cheeks.

Oh, interminable grief!

Who, let me ask,

Knows the clue to uncouple these interlocked jade-rings?

I dread most to see

Flowers bloom and flowers fall.

When morning comes, the frontier geese will be the first to come home.


(Irving Yucheng Lo 译)


Han kung ch’un

The First Day of Spring

Hsin Ch’I-Chi


Spring did come back

Look in her hair

A graceful spring ribbon

But for no reason, wind and rain

Refuse to make an end of the remaining cold

It’s time for swallows

Perhaps tonight they’ll dream of reaching the west garden –

But the wine-soaked oranges aren’t ready

Nor has the scallion dish been ordered


Do not smile at the east wind

Even if now it must smear the plum, dye the willow

Without a moment spare

By and by it will be back – there, in the mirror

To fade your blush

From brightness to sorrow, nonstop

Who can break the chain!

I dread anew to see the flowers bloom, the flowers fall

The geese that come at dawn will be the first to go


(Julie Landau 译)

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