
摘要Speech by President Xi Jinping at a Ceremony Marking the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China



– To stay true to why we started out and continue going forward, we must remember that our Party established communism and socialism as its program at the time of its founding; remain committed to the great ideal of communism and the common ideal of Chinese socialism; and constantly advance a great effort for our ideals.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/1509.html




Revolutionary ideals rise above all else. The Communist Party of China is known as a communist party because it established communism as its ideal on the day it was founded. The reason why our Party has been able to rise up and carry on our pursuit despite setback after setback is ultimately because we have great ideals and aspirations.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/1509.html




Nothing in this world can be achieved without firm ideals. The wavering of an ideal or belief is the most dangerous form of wavering; the collapse of an ideal or belief is the most dangerous form of collapse. The decline of a political party often begins with the loss or absence of ideals and beliefs. The continued strength of the CPC depends not only on whether or not our Party as a whole can maintain an unwavering commitment to its ideals and beliefs, but more importantly on whether each and every Party member can maintain an unswerving commitment to these ideals and beliefs. Over the past 95 years, the communist ideal has inspired generation after generation of communists to fight courageously. Thousands upon thousands of martyrs have laid down their precious lives for this ideal. “Beheading is nothing to me, a true communist who’d be.” “The enemy can hack off our heads, but they can never shake our beliefs.” These fearless, righteous vows vividly express the uncompromising belief of communists in their ideal. Our ideals can never be extinguished, nor can our beliefs. We must always remember the unfulfilled wishes of those martyrs, and we must never forget the ideals for which they spilled their blood.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/1509.html




Ideals are known as ideals because of their farsightedness; beliefs are known as beliefs because of their steadfastness. It is important that we see the teaching of ideals and beliefs as a strategic task in our effort to strengthen the CPC theoretically. To ensure that the entire CPC remains politically committed to pursuing our ideals, we must consciously act as staunch believers in and loyal practitioners of both the great communist ideal and the common ideal of Chinese socialism, and play an exemplary role in the drive to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.




Political resolve depends on a clear understanding of theory. Our firm ideals and beliefs must be founded on a profound understanding of Marxism, and on a profound grasp of the underlying laws of history. The entire Party must thoroughly study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development. It must also study in depth the new ideas, thoughts, and strategies in national governance introduced by the CPC Central Committee since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, in order to raise its awareness and understanding of Marxist theories and maintain its clear perception and dedicated pursuit of our great ideals and goals. We must teach Party members and officials to transform the knowledge they acquire into a source of inner strength, with which they can strengthen their awareness of Party norms and guidelines, enhance their theoretical attainment, and raise their moral standards. By genuinely studying, understanding, believing, and applying, we should strive to remain modest and prudent in the face of victory and good fortune, and avoid disillusionment and wavering in the face of difficulty and adversity, promoting social progress and realizing the fine aspirations of humanity with firm command of the moral high ground.




– To stay true to why we started out and continue going forward, we must remain confident in the path, theories, system, and culture of Chinese socialism; uphold the basic line of the Party with unswerving resolve; and constantly advance the great cause of Chinese socialism.




Our direction determines our path, and our path determines our future. Socialism with Chinese characteristics did not just fall from the sky. Rather, it is the fundamental achievement that the CPC and people have made at the cost of countless hardships and enormous sacrifices. Chinese socialism is not only a great cause that we must continually advance; it is a fundamental guarantee for our future.




The entire Party must have firm confidence in the path, theories, system, and culture of Chinese socialism. Of all the political parties, countries, and peoples in the world today, none have as much cause to be confident as the CPC, the People’s Republic of China, and the Chinese people. With the spirit that “self-confidence can empower a man to swim 3,000 miles and live for 200 years,” as a poem reads, we can fearlessly confront any challenge or difficulty that lies ahead, and resolutely open up new horizons and create new miracles.




We must firmly believe that the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the only path that can lead us to socialist modernization, and the only path that can create better lives for the people. We must firmly believe that the theories of Chinese socialism are not only correct theories that will lead the CPC and people to national rejuvenation along the path of socialism, but also scientific, evolving theories that are founded on the forefront of the times. And we must firmly believe that the system of Chinese socialism is a fundamental institutional guarantee for progress and development in China today, and an advanced system with distinct Chinese characteristics, notable institutional strengths, and a strong capacity for self-improvement.




Cultural confidence is a more fundamental, broader, and deeper form of self-confidence. China’s fine traditional culture, which was born out of more than 5,000 years of civilization, and its revolutionary and advanced socialist culture, which was born out of the great struggles of the CPC and the people, house the deepest aspirations of the Chinese people, representing a unique symbol of our nation. We must promote our core socialist values, promote a national spirit that is based on patriotism and a contemporary spirit that is based on reform and innovation, and enhance the inner strength of the entire Party and all people of China.




The whole Party must remember, what we are building is socialism with Chinese characteristics, not some other -ism. History has not ended, nor can it possibly end. To judge socialism with Chinese characteristics we must look to fact, and to the judgment of the Chinese people, and not to the subjective and groundless conclusions of biased people. The CPC and Chinese people have every confidence in their ability to provide a Chinese solution to aid the exploration of a better social system for humanity.




Deng Xiaoping once said: “We should adhere to the basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation. That is the only way to win the trust and support of the people. Whoever attempts to change the line, principles, and policies adopted since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee without the consent of the people will be toppled.” The basic line of the Party is the lifeline of our country, and the source of our people’s wellbeing. With determination and resolve, we must continue to regard the central task of economic development as the key to our country’s rejuvenation, regard the Four Cardinal Principles as the foundation of its stability, and regard reform and opening-up as its path to strength.

  • 版权声明 本文源自 新华网sisu04 整理 发表于 2016年12月31日 04:46:46