
摘要Address by Wang Yi at the Symposium on the International Situation and China’s Foreign Relations 



Self-Confidence and Self-Reliance, Openness and Inclusiveness, Fairness and Justice, and Win-Win Cooperation文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15158.html



– Address at the Symposium on the International Situation and China’s Foreign Relations文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15158.html



H.E. Wang Yi文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15158.html



Beijing, January 9, 2024




Dear Experts and Friends,




I am delighted to meet you at the start of the new year to take stock of the international situation and discuss China’s foreign relations. In this volatile era, we are facing global transformation not seen in a century, and reflecting on the way forward. I wish to thank you for your care and support over the past year and look forward to benefiting from your insights.




The year 2023 witnessed major and profound evolution in international relations as well as solid progress in Chinese modernization. It was also a year of progress and harvest for China’s diplomacy.




Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we have upheld fundamental principles while breaking new ground and forged ahead in China’s external work. We have created a favorable environment for building a great modern socialist country and advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We have made new contribution to maintaining world peace and promoting common development. The following six highlights are particularly worth reviewing.




The first highlight: Our head-of-state diplomacy has been immensely successful, achieving new milestones in major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.




In 2023, President Xi Jinping was personally involved in the planning and execution of major diplomatic actions. He chaired two home-ground events, attended three multilateral summits, made four important overseas visits and held more than 100 meetings and phone calls. With the vision of the leader of a big party and a big country, he advanced friendly cooperation and discussed global issues with his counterparts. From the extensive talks at the Kremlin to the summit in Guangzhou’s Songyuan, from the “Chang’an reunion” with the leaders of Central Asian countries, to the state visit to the “comradely and brotherly” neighbor, from the BRICS moment in the “rainbow nation” to the Asia-Pacific blueprint at Sunnylands, and from the FISU World University Games in Chengdu to the Asian Games in Hangzhou, the President showcased the spectacular achievements of China in the new era, strengthened the exchanges with the rest of the world, and opened up new prospects in China’s foreign relations.




Head-of-state diplomacy involves not only high-level dialogues of strategic significance but also heart-to-heart communication with the people. Last July, at the nearby Villa No.5 of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse where Dr. Henry Kissinger stayed during his first visit to China more than five decades ago, President Xi Jinping met cordially with and held a luncheon for this century-old man who had paid more than 100 visits to China. This special arrangement reflected China’s fine tradition of never forgetting old friends. Over the past year, President Xi Jinping also delivered an important speech to the American people, had cordial exchanges with young Vietnamese, and wrote heart-warming and encouraging letters to many foreign friends including Greek scholars, a Bangladeshi kid, South African university students, and a Cuban scientist. These communications have sown the seeds of friendship and written a new chapter of interactions and mutual understanding.




The second highlight: Solid progress has been made in building a community with a shared future for mankind, lending new impetus to the building of a brighter future for humanity.




During General Secretary Xi Jinping’s historic state visit to Viet Nam last month, the most important political outcome reached between the two sides was to upgrade the bilateral relationship to a community with a shared future that carries strategic significance. This characterization has marked not only a new level in the “comradely and brotherly” relations between the two socialist neighbors but also a full commitment of the Indochina Peninsula to jointly building a community with a shared future.




Over the past year, big strides have been made in building a community with a shared future. The inclusion of Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan has brought its coverage to the whole of Central Asia. China is working with Cambodia and Laos on a new, five-year action plan, and has reached agreement with Malaysia, in addition to Thailand and Indonesia, adding to the good momentum toward a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future. In his visit to South Africa, President Xi Jinping announced with President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa the decision to build a high-quality China-South Africa community with a shared future, taking China-Africa relations to a new stage of jointly building a high-quality community with a shared future. In Arab, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Pacific Island countries, regional-level efforts of building communities with a shared future are also making refreshing developments.




Last year marked the 10th anniversary of the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind put forth by President Xi Jinping. This is a decade of hard work and progress: Building a community with a shared future for mankind has developed from a conceptual proposition to a scientific system, from a Chinese initiative to an international consensus, and from a promising vision to substantive actions. It has been included in resolutions of the U.N. General Assembly for seven consecutive years. Extending to various regions and covering various areas, it has served as a glorious banner leading the progress of the times.




The third highlight: The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was successfully held, taking Belt and Road cooperation to a new stage of high-quality development.




The year 2023 marked the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) put forth by President Xi Jinping. Ten years on, Belt and Road cooperation has extended from the Eurasian continent to Africa and Latin America, and expanded from physical connectivity to institutional connectivity and people-to-people bonds. It has created the largest platform for international cooperation with the broadest coverage in the world. For participating countries pursuing development together, BRI sets them on a road to cooperation, a road to opportunity and a road to prosperity.




Last October, in the golden autumn season, the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) was held in Beijing. It was the most important diplomatic event hosted by China in 2023. In his keynote speech at the Forum, President Xi Jinping gave a summary of the experience drawn from BRI’s success over the past decade, reaffirmed China’s commitment with the announcement of eight major steps, declared a new stage of high-quality development for Belt and Road cooperation, and called on all countries to jointly pursue global modernization. Over 10,000 delegates representing 151 countries and 41 international organizations came to the BRF with the hope for friendship, cooperation and development, and returned with 458 important outcomes and US$97.2 billion worth of cooperation documents. As the saying goes, “The fire burns high when everyone adds wood to it.” Belt and Road cooperation will surely provide enduring impetus for world economic growth and common development across the globe.




The fourth highlight: The BRICS mechanism achieved a historic expansion, adding new strength to unity and cooperation in the developing world.




In the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, BRICS countries have made dedicated efforts to promote global growth and improve global governance. Inspired by the vibrancy and appeal of the mechanism, dozens of developing countries have officially applied for its membership.




During China’s chairmanship in 2022, President Xi Jinping called on fellow BRICS countries to pursue development with open doors and boost cooperation with open arms, and appealed for admitting new members to pool greater strengths. With the unanimous consent of all members, the BRICS expansion process was launched in the China Summit year. After a year of preparation and consultation, leaders of the five BRICS countries made a political decision on expansion at the Johannesburg Summit in 2023, and officially welcomed new members to the BRICS family.




The expansion marks a milestone in the development of the BRICS mechanism, and ushers in a new era of strength through unity for the Global South. The expanded “greater BRICS” will surely play a stronger role in shaping a more just and equitable global governance system, and increasing the representation and voice of the Global South in international affairs.




The fifth highlight: A successful China-Central Asia Summit was held, creating a new platform for good-neighbourliness and friendly cooperation in the region.




China and the five Central Asian countries, connected by mountains and rivers, have always been friendly neighbors. China hopes to see, more than anyone, a stable, prosperous, harmonious and interconnected Central Asia. At a key moment in the evolving international landscape, President Xi Jinping and the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries gathered in the historical city of Xi’an, the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, for the inaugural China-Central Asia Summit. This was an event that carries great historical significance and practical relevance.




President Xi Jinping comprehensively elaborated on China’s foreign policy toward Central Asia, and decided, together with the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries, to build a closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future, formally establish the mechanism of meetings between the heads of state of China and Central Asian countries, and set up a permanent secretariat for the China-Central Asia mechanism. During the summit, a number of multilateral and bilateral documents were signed, blueprints were drawn up for cooperation in various fields, and consensus was reached on key cooperation initiatives, including building a China-Central Asia energy development partnership and supporting the development of the trans-Caspian international transport corridor.




This historic summit completed the platform building and overall planning of China-Central Asia cooperation, and opened up a new channel for the cooperation to move to higher levels. It will be a new monument in the history of China-Central Asia relations. Cooperation between the two sides, which is based on equality, respect, openness, inclusiveness and mutual support, contributes positive energy and stability to the region and the world at large.




The sixth highlight: We facilitated the historic reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, setting a new example of political settlement of hotspot issues.




President Xi Jinping had in-depth communication with the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Iran, persuading the two countries to let go of past grievances and meet each other half way. With strong support from China, the trilateral Beijing Agreement was reached, and Saudi Arabia and Iran announced the restoration of their diplomatic ties, setting off a “wave of reconciliation” across the Middle East. We are glad to see that Syria has rejoined the family of the League of Arab States; Qatar, Syria, Iran and Türkiye have restored diplomatic ties or normalized their relations respectively with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, with Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, with Sudan and with Egypt; and the people of regional countries are taking the future of the Middle East back into their own hands.




The Saudi Arabia-Iran reconciliation was a major victory for dialogue and peace, and a useful practice of the Chinese way of settling hotspot issues. China has always been an active, goodwill and reliable mediator. We do not believe in force being omnipotent, nor do we seek selfish geopolitical gains or impose our will on others. We have always supported the people of the Middle East in independently exploring their development paths, and supported the countries there in resolving differences through dialogue and consultation. I want to emphasize that China will continue to be a promoter of security and stability, a cooperation partner for development and prosperity, and a supporter for strength through unity in the Middle East, and will make greater contribution to reconciliation, peace and harmony in the region.




These six highlights encapsulate the unforgettable moments of China’s diplomacy in the past year and constitute the new chapters of China pursuing win-win cooperation with the rest of the world. They demonstrate distinct Chinese characteristics, style, and ethos, and speak to China’s enhanced international influence, stronger capacity to steer new endeavors, and greater moral appeal in the new era.


  • 版权声明 本文源自 外交部sisu04 整理 发表于 2024年1月10日 03:28:45