Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of International Day of Women in Multilateralism文章源自英文巴士-
25 January 2024文章源自英文巴士-
On 25 January, we celebrate International Day of Women in Multilateralism.文章源自英文巴士-
But 25 January is not just a date on the calendar. It is a symbolic and important moment, a reminder of our Organization’s unwavering commitment to both gender equality and effective multilateral action.
At UNESCO, this commitment is reflected first and foremost in our action, in the field. This is at the heart of the day-to-day work of the Organization, which has made gender equality one of its two main strategic priorities.
So, every day we work tirelessly to strengthen the role played by women in tackling each of the major challenges of our century, and in particular the repercussions of climate disruption.
This is all the more essential as climate emergencies do not affect everyone with the same intensity: women and girls are more exposed to them, and therefore particularly vulnerable. For example, 158 million women and girls could be pushed into poverty by 2050 as a result of the economic consequences of the environmental crisis.
That is why this year’s International Day of Women in Multilateralism is dedicated to a major issue of our time: the imperative of taking the gender dimension into account in the fight against climate disruption.
There is still much progress to be made in this area. The figures speak for themselves: 83% of women consider climate disruption to be a serious problem. Yet all too often they are still excluded from decision-making bodies. At COP28 in 2023, when one of whose priorities was to make the Conference more inclusive, only 15 of the 133 world leaders present were women. At the same time, on a global scale, women hold just over a quarter of the seats in national parliaments.
How, then, can we hope to find an effective response to the problems affecting all humanity if so few women are involved in decision-making?
At UNESCO, we are working to affirm the essential role played by women in tackling the consequences of climate disruption, by supporting them in the search for innovative solutions.
In the field of water, for example, as we enter the third year of United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development, we are training women every day in disciplines such as oceanography and hydrology.
Education also occupies a central place in our action. Girls and women are thus at the heart of our efforts to promote environmental education in every classroom. This is the aim of the Greening Education Partnership, which we launched a year ago to help Member States better integrate environmental issues into school curricula, and train teachers on the subject.
More generally, UNESCO is committed to highlighting the solutions offered by women in decision-making positions, who play a key role in multilateral action. So, on 25 January, at UNESCO Headquarters, we will be launching a global dialogue involving bold, visionary women to find collective solutions to the gender inequalities that stand in the way of climate action.
UNESCO will thus confirm its vocation as a global platform for multilateral discussions and solutions, and as a benchmark laboratory of ideas on environmental and gender issues. More generally, UNESCO encourages the inclusion of gender issues in the decisions and recommendations adopted at major international meetings, such as future COPs and international conferences on water and the oceans.
On this International Day, let us aspire to women’s full participation in the efforts of multilateralism, for a world where gender equality and the preservation of the planet go hand in hand. For these two great challenges of our century cannot be met separately, but must be tackled together.
And we need to act now, because at the current rate it will take 131 years to reach full parity. Equality cannot wait until 2155!