
摘要Message by Audrey Azoulay for the International Women’s Day 2024

International Women’s Day 2024

Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of International Women’s Day文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15259.html



8 March 2024文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15259.html



Gender equality is a simple idea. It is the conviction that women deserve the same rights, opportunities and knowledge as men. It is the belief that women have just as much to contribute to society – and to addressing societal issues. It is the commitment to breaking down barriers that have held women back for far too long.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15259.html




Yet, for all its simplicity, gender equality is proving remarkably difficult to achieve. Today, no country in the world can claim to be gender equal. At our current pace, it will take almost 300 years for all countries to be able to do so. In the meantime, according to UNESCO data, artificial intelligence will claim more jobs from women than men by the end of this decade. The climate crisis will push an estimated 160 million women into poverty by 2050.




To break down the barriers facing women, UNESCO has made gender equality a global priority for its action. We acknowledge the invaluable contributions made by women scientists, artists, journalists, educators and athletes. We work to ensure all women and girls are given the opportunities they deserve. And, every year on 8 March, we mark International Women’s Day to raise awareness of these issues.




The theme of this year’s day is investing in women to accelerate progress. This means developing, financing and implementing transformative solutions to advance gender equality and sustainability in the face of cascading global concerns and crises. UNESCO does this, hand in hand with its partners, in all the areas of its mandate.




First, to better understand the negative impacts of gender discrimination on economies and societies, UNESCO has developed a Gender-Based Resilience Framework, “Empowering women for the good of society”. It underlines the importance of closing the gender gaps in labour, innovation and sport – but also in leadership and decision-making, in line with our new podcast being launched today: Leadership for Equality.


首先,为了更好地了解性别歧视对经济和社会的负面影响,教科文组织制定了一个基于性别的复原力框架“赋权妇女造福社会”。该框架强调不仅需要在劳动力、创新和体育运动方面缩小性别差距,在领导力和决策方面也应如此,这与我们今天推出的新播客“领导力促进平等”(Leadership for Equality)完全契合。


In the field of education, we empower women by teaching them the skills they need for greater economic and social autonomy – for example, through our flagship programme “Her education, our future”. This year, we are telling the story of four girls whose lives have been changed by this initiative in a documentary released on 7 March.




We are also committed to ensuring that women and girls can thrive in scientific fields – especially given that women only account for one third of all researchers, according to the UNESCO Science Report. In 2022, to break down barriers in STEM fields, we supported 5,550 women and girls through mentorships, role models and career development programmes. And, since 1998, through the L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science programme, we have recognized more than 4,200 talented women scientists in over 140 countries around the world.




In the creative industries, too, UNESCO is working to create professional opportunities for women. For example, with the Walt Disney Company, we are partnering with Women in Animation and its 2024 “Stories x Women” programme to give up to a dozen women animators – especially from Africa – a chance to pitch projects at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France.


在创意产业,教科文组织也在努力为妇女创造职业机会。例如,在华特迪士尼公司的支持下,我们与“动画界女性”(Women in Animation)组织及其2024年“故事x女性”计划合作,让十几名女动画师(特别是来自非洲的女动画师)有机会在法国安纳西国际动画电影节上推介项目。


Finally, UNESCO shines the spotlight on the difficult conditions facing women journalists – 73% of whom face online violence, according to our research – and is working with governments, judges, digital platforms and the media to create safer working conditions and fight online harassment.




Achieving women’s empowerment remains one of humankind’s greatest challenges and, at the same time, an immense opportunity to realize humankind’s full potential. This year on International Women’s Day, UNESCO calls for immediate action to bring about this paradigm shift – now.



  • 版权声明 本文源自 UNESCO, sisu04 整理 发表于 2024年3月8日 01:28:57