
摘要Full Text: Fostering a Global Community of Shared Future: Contemporary Significance and Tangible Achievements


I. Improving Global Governance: A Chinese Initiative Responding to Common Challenges文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15379.html




In the present-day world, human society grapples not only with weighty historical issues but also with significant contemporary challenges. Building a global community of shared future emerges as a governance approach for nations to tackle these challenges, resolve conflicts, and bridge differences. It represents a Chinese proposition aimed at propelling human society towards enduring peace, universal security, shared prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, and the creation of a clean and beautiful world.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15379.html




1. A Resounding Call to Address Global Challenges文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15379.html




Since the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, Western developed countries have gradually established an unequal international division of labor and an unjust global political and economic order through forceful conquest and exploitative practices. Consequently, the majority of developing countries continue to confront formidable developmental obstacles, struggling to fully emancipate themselves from the constraints imposed by multinational capital and ideological manipulation. Simultaneously, the profit-oriented capitalist system prevalent in Western developed countries faces its own set of challenges, including excessive financialization, industrial decline, social polarization, and political extremism. These countries find themselves embroiled in political turmoil, grappling with economic stagnation, and experiencing societal fragmentation, leaving their citizens bewildered, perplexed, and frustrated.




Throughout history, especially since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, humanity has extracted and exploited natural resources on an unprecedented scale, resulting in severe environmental degradation and detrimental effects on the sustainable development of society. Global warming and climate change have triggered a surge in extreme weather events, diminished agricultural productivity, and contributed to the spread of certain diseases, leading to substantial human casualties and economic losses. The obstacles to achieving economic and social sustainability are indeed formidable.




The ongoing new technological revolution is advancing at a rapid pace, bringing about profound societal transformations that test the adaptability and governance capacities of the countries of the world. The emergence of new technologies also gives rise to fresh forms of inequality, as technological disparities and the digital divide create new divisions within societies. Novel forms of injustice, such as oligarchy and manipulative practices by technological giants, come to the forefront. Humanity must not only confront the potential harms arising from technological hegemony but also wrestle with unpredictable technological risks that can have unpredictable consequences.




In addition to the growing prominence of nonconventional threats, various conventional threats have not diminished. While the ongoing Ukraine crisis persists, conflicts in the Middle East have resurfaced, contributing to a deteriorating regional security landscape with repercussions felt globally. Some influential powers lack the willingness to reach consensus on cooperation, leading to a resurgence of a confrontational atmosphere between blocs. The global economy is grappling with a sluggish recovery, accompanied by protectionist measures and zero-sum mindset that disrupt global supply and industrial chains. The current state of the world is marked by deficits in peace, security, development, and governance, presenting formidable challenges to the multilateral governance system.




On top of new and old issues that intertwine and clash, complex problems brew and simmer, making   instability and uncertainty the prevailing norm in the world. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized at the BRICS-Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus Dialogue in August 2023, “we cannot afford a world with a divided global economy and financial system; with diverging strategies on technology including artificial intelligence; and with conflicting security frameworks.” Humanity is once again standing at a crossroads, facing the question of which path to take.




Faced with a multitude of risks and challenges in the contemporary world, and in recognition of the crucial question of “what kind of a world we should build and how to build it,” which is pivotal for the collective future of humanity, China has presented a distinct proposition: Building a global community of shared future.




2. A Global Aspiration for a Brighter Future




Throughout the extensive course of social development, diverse ethnic groups, histories, and cultures have emerged. From the Chinese standpoint, the world can be likened to a garden, where countries with distinct social systems and rich historical and cultural backgrounds are akin to flowers, each vying to showcase its unique beauty. Despite the divergent paths we have taken, we all share a common yearning for a future that encompasses peace and prosperity. Fostering a global community of shared future can serve as the unified vision for all nations in their collective endeavor to build a better world.




Fostering a global community of shared future places great emphasis on the principle of “sharing.” This concept is not aimed at replacing one system or civilization with another. Instead, it revolves around the idea of sharing among nations encompassing diverse social systems, ideologies, history and cultures, and levels of development. It calls for the sharing of benefits, as well as rights and responsibilities in international affairs.




Fostering a global community of shared future promotes the idea of “integration.” Throughout history, even in ancient times when means of transportation was limited, various means such as camel caravans along the Silk Road, merchant ships crossing vast oceans, intrepid travelers, and daring explorers played a role in facilitating exchanges, fostering mutual learning, and propelling the advancement of human civilization. The Age of Discovery further accelerated the global flow of resources, while advancements in science and technology expanded the collective knowledge of humanity. As the grand tapestry of globalization continues to unfold, humanity increasingly becomes an interconnected community, where every individual has a stake in the future of others.




Fostering a global community of shared future underscores the principle of “inclusiveness.” President Xi Jinping has emphasized that “on the road to the well-being of all mankind, no country or nation should be left behind.” Fostering a global community of shared future aligns with the collective interests of humanity. It embodies the aspirations of people worldwide for peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom. It signifies the right direction for progress and has garnered growing recognition and support from nations and individuals globally, fostering a collaborative force of cooperation among civilizations.




Since President Xi Jinping first proposed the concept of a global community of shared future in 2013, it has undergone continuous evolution and enrichment, and has been implemented through tangible actions. It has now become a significant approach put forth by China to tackle global challenges and shape a better future during this critical transformation of the world. The concept helps to dissipate the haze in the turbulent world, providing a clear direction for global development.




3. An Intrinsic Requirement of Chinese Modernization




In the new era, rejuvenating the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization is the historic mission of the Communist Party of China. Promoting a global community of shared future is not only an integral part of this mission but also one of its intrinsic requirements.




China has never adopted an isolationist stance towards the world. In his keynote speech at the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, President Xi Jinping characterized China’s relationship with the world as follows: “China can only do well when the world is doing well. When China does well, the world will get even better.”




“China cannot be separated from the world in achieving development, and the world also needs China for prosperity.” China relies on imports of advanced equipment, raw materials, and critical supplies from over 200 countries and regions spanning six continents. Conversely, the immense market demand in China presents a wide array of cooperation opportunities for enterprises from various nations. China has diligently absorbed outstanding achievements and advanced experiences from civilizations worldwide, which have, in turn, sparked new ideas and insights infused with Chinese characteristics. As the world’s second-largest economy, largest manufacturer, and largest trader in goods, China actively contributes to global peace, stability, and economic development. China stands as the second-largest contributor to the United Nations budget and has become “a crucial element and key force in peacekeeping operations.” Over the past decade, China has accounted for over one-third of the world’s economic growth. China draws its developmental impetus from the world, and its progress undeniably benefits the global community.




Building a global community of shared future represents a natural extension of China’s path to modernization. China’s path to modernization encompasses a vast population and aims to achieve common prosperity, coordinated material and cultural-ethical advancement, harmony between humanity and nature, and peaceful development. As China pursues peaceful development, it stands as a staunch advocate for world peace, striving to “build a world of lasting peace.” Embracing the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, China commits to “building a world of common security.” With a focus on prosperity for all, China endeavors to “build a world of common prosperity” through win-win cooperation. Upholding the concept of “coordinated material and cultural-ethical advancement,” China advocates for the “building of an open and inclusive world” through communication and mutual learning. In its dedication to ecological conservation and promoting harmony between humanity and nature, China aspires to “build a clean and beautiful world.” The goals of China’s modernization align harmoniously with those of building a global community of shared future. Both sets of goals reflect China’s Five-Sphere Integrated Plan, which promotes political, economic, social, cultural, and ecological development. These goals embody the values of respecting individuals, equity, peace, development, and reverence for nature. They exemplify China’s wisdom and efforts in effectively managing relationships among people and between humanity and nature.




Chinese modernization is intricately linked to and inseparable from the construction of a global community of shared future. The process of China’s modernization will establish a strong foundation for a global community of shared future. With a population accounting for nearly one-fifth of the world’s total, China’s own modernization efforts contribute significantly to the modernization of human society as a whole. Furthermore, China’s modernization can serve as a reference and offer a new path for the modernization of other developing countries, thereby facilitating global common development and the modernization of all humankind. This, in turn, creates more favorable conditions for the establishment of a global community of shared future. The concept of a global community of shared future is an intrinsic requirement of China’s modernization. This requirement stems not only from the mission of the Communist Party of China but also from the necessity of an external environment that supports China’s modernization endeavors. The Communist Party of China is committed not only to pursuing the well-being of the Chinese people but also to promoting progress for humanity and striving for a harmonious world. A supportive external environment that fosters the common and peaceful development of humanity undoubtedly provides favorable conditions for the modernization of China.




China endeavors to advance the construction of global community of shared future while modernizing itself. This approach sets it apart from Western countries in terms of their respective modernization processes. Western modernization has often been accompanied by aggression, exploitation, conflicts, and inequality. In contrast, China is committed to forging a different path, one that   avoids the pitfalls   of past Western modernization and does not jeopardize the interests of other nations in the process of its own development. China upholds the concept of a shared future and adheres to principles such as equal consultation, win-win cooperation, and common development. China’s development endeavors also provide opportunities for other countries to benefit from its progress and advancements.




“To establish oneself, one must first help others to establish themselves first.” Through the construction of a global community of shared future during the course of China’s modernization, the Chinese people will collaborate with people worldwide to forge a brighter future together.

