
摘要An Autumn Day








An Autumn Day文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15603.html

Geng Wei文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15603.html


The afterglow falls into the small lane,文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15603.html

To whom can I word my pains?

Scarcely a person passes on the ancient way,

In autumn wind millet and maize sway.


(傅惠生 译)


A Lonely Autumn Day

Geng Wei


O’er the lane slants the sun;

I’m grieved but can tell none.

None goes on ancient way;

In west wind corn fields sway.


(许渊冲 译)


An Autumn Day

Geng Wei


A setting sun casts it light on the village pathways.

With whom can I talk to unburden my woes?

Wayfarers are infrequent on the ancient road;

Autumn winds rustle the millet still standing in the fields.


(文殊、王晋熙、邓炎昌 译)


On an Autumn Day

Geng Wei


Reflective glow lights th’ alley where

I stay and at the glow I stare,

Which causes me to feel distressed;

And whom should I confide in best?

Before me lies the ancient road,

Along which people often strode,

But now on it none is in sight,

Except the crops on either side

Of it, which stand in farmland wide

While autumn winds blow day and night.


(王永胜、李艳 译)


Autumn Day

Keng Wei


The day’s late light fills a village lane

with whom can I share my cares

nobody takes the ancient road

millet sways in autumn wind


(Red Pine 译)

  • 版权声明 本文源自 英文巴士sisu04 整理 发表于 2010年8月20日 16:30:31