
摘要Concluding Statement by Chen Xu on the Adoption of the UPR Outcome Report on China at the 56th Session of the UNHRC


Following a Chinese Path of Human Rights Development文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15663.html



– Concluding Statement by Head of the Chinese Delegation Ambassador Chen Xu on the Adoption of the UPR Outcome Report on China at the 56th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15663.html



Geneva, July 4, 2024文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15663.html





Mr. President,

Fellow Delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen,




The Chinese delegation has listened attentively to the statements by the participants. The vast majority of the countries and NGOs adhered to the principles of objectivity, fairness, non-selectivity, non-confrontation and non-politicization. They made constructive comments, and spoke positively of the efforts and achievements made by China in the human rights cause. They commended China for participating in the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in an open and candid manner, acknowledged our acceptance of the majority of the recommendations based on our national conditions and the people’s aspirations, and supported the Human Rights Council’s adoption of the Outcome Report. On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to express our appreciation and thanks to you.




We have also noticed that certain countries and organizations made groundless accusations against China based on ideological bias and baseless rumors and lies. They made smears and attacks on China on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Xizang and on individual judicial cases, interfering in China’s internal affairs. The Chinese side firmly rejects this. We advise relevant individuals to respect basic facts, listen to the mainstream voice of the international community, follow the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, abide by the principles of work of the Human Rights Council, stop politicizing human rights issues or using them as tools or weapons, and maintain the atmosphere of dialogue and cooperation of the UPR with concrete actions.




Mr. President,




No one can claim to be perfect in human rights protection; there is always room for improvement. As a responsible country, China views its participation in this cycle of the UPR as a valuable opportunity for conducting dialogue and exchanges, sharing successful practices, receiving useful recommendations, and promoting common progress. We will be committed to actively implementing the recommendations that we accepted in this cycle of review, fulfill our commitment to the human rights cause, and show our support for multilateralism.




As President Xi Jinping said, a life of contentment is the ultimate human right. China is committed to a Chinese path of human rights development. We will continue to regard the respect for and protection of human rights as an important part of our national governance, continue to follow a people-centered approach, and take it as the goal of all our work to deliver, safeguard and advance the fundamental interests of the broadest majority of our people. We apply the principle of universality of human rights to China’s realities, bear in mind our national conditions and the people’s needs as we promote the progress of the human rights cause, and continue to improve human rights protection in the process of advancing Chinese modernization.




China will continue to be committed to true multilateralism, uphold the concepts of equality, mutual trust, inclusiveness, mutual learning, win-win cooperation and common development, and steer global human rights governance toward greater fairness, justice, equity and inclusiveness. We will respect the path for human rights development independently chosen by other countries, oppose interfering in internal affairs under the pretext of human rights, and reject double standards on human rights issues. China will continue to participate in global human rights governance, advocate for safeguarding human rights with security, promoting human rights with development, and advancing human rights with cooperation. We will support the United Nations human rights agencies in fairly and objectively performing their functions, and promote sound development of the human rights cause of the world.




Mr. President,




“Human rights for all” is the shared pursuit of humanity. As China’s future is closely tied to the future of people around the world, we will champion the common values of humanity, and work to provide new opportunities for the development of the world with the fruits of Chinese modernization, build a community with a shared future for humankind, and build a better world together.




In conclusion, on behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to once again express my thanks to the various parties for your active participation, to Mr. President for your leadership, to the troika, the Secretariat to the UNOG, and the interpreters for your excellent work.




Thank you, Mr. President.

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