
摘要Full Text: AI Capacity-Building Action Plan for Good and for All



AI Capacity-Building Action Plan for Good and for All文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15763.html




To bridge the AI and digital divides, especially to help the Global South benefit equitably from AI developments, China believes it is important to uphold the central and coordinating role of the United Nations (U.N.) in international development cooperation, pursue true multilateralism, fully implement the U.N. General Assembly Resolution on Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-Building of Artificial Intelligence (A/RES/78/311), and promote the implementation of the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation and based on the principles of sovereign equality, development orientation, people-centred, shared benefits and inclusiveness, and multi-party coordination and cooperation. To this end, China proposes the AI Capacity-Building Action Plan for Good and for All, and calls on all parties to step up investments in AI capacity-building.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15763.html



I. Vision and Goals文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15763.html




  1. Promote AI and Digital Infrastructure Connectivity




Improve the global layout and interoperability of AI and digital infrastructure, actively assist all countries, especially those in the Global South, to develop AI technologies and services, and help the Global South truly access AI and keep up with the pace of AI advancements.




  1. Empower Industries Through the AI Plus Application




Explore ways for AI to empower the real economy across all fields, chains and scenarios to advance the empowering application of AI in areas such as industrial manufacturing, traditional agriculture, green transition and development, climate change response, and biodiversity conservation, and build robust and diverse ecosystems that enable the sound development of AI for the greater good based on local realities.




  1. Enhance AI Literacy and Strengthen Personnel Training




Actively promote the application of AI in education, carry out exchange and training of AI professionals, increase the sharing of expertise and best practices, promote AI literacy among the public, protect and strengthen the digital and AI rights of women and children, and share AI knowledge and experience.




  1. Improve AI Data Security and Diversity




Jointly promote the orderly and free cross-border flow of data in accordance with the law, explore the possibility of the establishment of a global data-sharing platform and mechanism, and protect personal privacy and data security. Promote equality and diversity in AI data sets to eliminate racism, discrimination, and other forms of algorithmic bias, and promote, protect, and preserve cultural diversity.




  1. Ensure AI Safety, Reliability and Controllability




Uphold the principles of fairness and nondiscrimination, and support the establishment of global, interoperable AI risk assessment frameworks, standards and governance system under the framework of the U.N. that take into account the interests of developing countries. Conduct joint risk assessment on AI R&D and applications, actively develop and improve technologies and policies to address AI risks, and ensure that the design, R&D, use and application of AI contribute to the well-being of humanity.



II. China’s Actions




– China is ready to engage with all countries on AI capacity-building cooperation, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, jointly implement the outcomes of the U.N.’s Summit of the Future, actively work with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, to jointly develop AI infrastructure, build joint laboratories.




– China is ready to carry out cooperation on the R&D of AI models and the empowering application of AI, especially in areas such as poverty reduction, health care, agriculture, education and industrial manufacturing, to deepen international cooperation on AI industry and supply chain, and to unlock the dividends of AI as a new quality productive force.




– China is ready to work with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, to tap the potential of AI in green development, climate change response and biodiversity conservation, thereby contributing to global climate governance and sustainable development.




– China is ready to establish an international cooperation platform for AI capacity-building, and Chinese AI industries and industrial alliances are ready to engage in diverse forms of exchange with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, to share best practices, build open-source and inclusive AI communities in a responsible manner, and foster a multilevel cooperation ecosystem that encompasses various forms of business.




– The Chinese government will hold short and medium-term AI capacity-building programs for fellow developing countries, share relevant AI education resources and jointly carry out AI education and exchange programs to help them cultivate high-caliber professionals in AI technology and its applications.




– The Chinese government is ready to strengthen assistance and cooperation with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, on relevant human resources cooperation. Building on the first Workshop on AI Capacity-Building this year, the Chinese government will hold 10 AI workshops and seminars primarily aimed at fellow developing countries by the end of 2025.




– China is ready to work with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, to promote AI literacy among the public, disseminate AI knowledge and expertise across multiple dimensions, at multiple levels and by multiple means, both online and offline, and strive to improve AI literacy and skills within their populations, with a particular focus on protecting and advancing the digital rights of women and children.




– China is ready to work with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, to develop AI language or data resources, take proactive steps to eliminate racial, algorithmic and cultural discrimination, and promote, protect, and preserve linguistic and cultural diversity.




– China is ready to work with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, to develop and improve data infrastructure and promote the fair and inclusive use of global data.




– China is ready to work with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, to better synergize AI strategies and strengthen policy exchanges, actively share policies and technical practices in AI testing, evaluation, certification, and regulation, and jointly address AI risks related to ethics, safety and security.

  • 版权声明 本文源自 外交部sisu04 整理 发表于 2024年9月27日 00:25:47