
摘要Full Text: Position Paper of the PRC for the Summit of the Future and the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly



Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China for the Summit of the Future and the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15764.html




Today, changes unseen in a century are unfolding at an accelerated pace, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence and transformation. With intertwined traditional and non-traditional security issues, and sluggish world economic recovery, humanity is facing unprecedented challenges. Yet the overall direction of human development and progress will not change, the overall dynamics of world history moving forward amid twists and turns will not change, and the overall trend toward a shared future for the international community will not change. The tide of the times toward peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit is unstoppable, and the historical current of world multipolarity and economic globalization is irreversible.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15764.html




This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Over the past 75 years, China has unswervingly pursued peaceful development and made important contributions to world peace and development. Upholding independence and seeking peaceful coexistence with all countries, China has proposed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence that have been widely recognized and observed by the international community, and have become basic norms of international relations and fundamental principles of international law. Committed to its foreign policy goal of safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, China has actively advanced world multipolarity and democracy in international relations, unequivocally opposed hegemonism and power politics, and worked to make the international order more just and equitable.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15764.html




In the new era, faced with the major question of our times, i.e. what kind of world to build and how to build it, China has given its answer – building a community with a shared future for mankind. The goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind is to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity; the pathway is promoting global governance that features extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit; the guiding principle is to apply the common values of humanity; the basic underpinning lies in building a new type of international relations; the strategic guidance comes from the implementation of the Global Development Initiative (GDI), the Global Security Initiative (GSI), and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI); and the platform for action is high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. On this basis, China will work with countries of the world to meet challenges, achieve prosperity for all and facilitate the move toward a brighter future of peace, security, prosperity and progress in the world.




China is building a great modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization. China will continue to uphold the independent foreign policy of peace, strive for building a community with a shared future for mankind, champion the common values of humanity, and implement the GDI, the GSI, and the GCI. It will advocate for an equal and orderly multipolar world and universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and work with all countries to realize global modernization following the principles of self-confidence and self-reliance, openness and inclusiveness, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation.




China supports the U.N. Summit of the Future, and calls on the international community to take this opportunity to focus on the common well-being of humanity, build consensus and synergy, and support the central role of the U.N. in international affairs. China supports efforts of true multilateralism that is based on international law, in accordance with the principle of equity and justice, in pursuit of win-win cooperation and effective action-oriented, so as to jointly build a better future for mankind.



I. With the future in mind, China stays committed to being a staunch force for safeguarding world peace and stability. 




China firmly chooses peace over war, and will work with all countries to implement the GSI following the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. China respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, abides by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, and takes the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously. China will promote peaceful settlement of differences and disputes among countries through dialogue and consultation, maintain security in both traditional and non-traditional domains, and shoulder its due responsibility as a major country in tackling global security challenges.




China has stayed an important and constructive force for peace and stability in the Middle East. It has pushed for the historic reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, facilitated the internal reconciliation among Palestinian factions, and worked tirelessly to stop the fighting in Gaza. China firmly supports the Palestinian people’s just cause of regaining their legitimate national rights and supports the Palestinian people’s pursuit of greater internal unity and an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. China supports Palestine’s full U.N. membership and calls for the convening of a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference to work out a detailed timetable and roadmap for implementing the two-State solution and to push for a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question at an early date, so that Palestine and Israel can live side by side in peace.




On Ukraine, China has followed an objective and impartial position and maintained that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter observed, the legitimate security concerns of all sides taken seriously and that all efforts conducive to a peaceful settlement of the crisis should be supported. China has issued its Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis and carried out shuttle diplomacy to promote peace talks. China and Brazil have jointly issued a six-point consensus, calling on all relevant parties to observe the principles for deescalating the situation, create conditions for the resumption of direct talks until the realization of a comprehensive ceasefire, increase humanitarian assistance, oppose the use of weapons of mass destruction, oppose attacks on nuclear power plants and other peaceful nuclear facilities, and protect the stability of global industrial and supply chains. China will continue to work in its own way and play a constructive role for the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.




China has remained committed to preserving the peace, stability and lasting security on the Korean Peninsula and worked actively to maintain stability, encourage talks, and establish a peace mechanism on the Peninsula. The root cause of the intractable situation on the Korean Peninsula is the Cold War vestiges and the lack of trust among parties. Maintaining peace and stability on the Peninsula serves the shared interests of all parties and meets the wide expectation of the international community. China values the U.N.’s role on this issue and will work with the international community to play a constructive role in the political settlement of the issue with a dual-track approach and under the principle of phased and synchronized steps.




China supports Afghanistan in following sound policies, prioritizing development, combating terrorism resolutely and developing friendly relations with its neighbors. China will work with the international community, on the basis of respecting Afghanistan’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and upholding the “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned” principle, to increase engagement and dialogue with Afghanistan in a constructive way, provide more humanitarian and development assistance to Afghanistan, and support Afghanistan in independently exploring a development path that meets its people’s expectation and the call of the times and in achieving peace, stability and development at an early date.




China strongly condemns terrorism and extremism in all their forms. It supports the U.N.’s central role in coordinating international counter-terrorism cooperation and supports the full implementation of the U.N. Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. China opposes associating terrorism and extremism with any particular country, ethnic group or religion, opposes applying double standards on counter-terrorism, and opposes using the issue of counter-terrorism as a political tool. The international community should join forces to address the new threats and challenges posed by the abuse of emerging technologies by terrorists and support developing countries in building their capacity to fight terrorism and radicalization, so as to eradicate the breeding ground of terrorism.




China maintains that nuclear-weapon states should abandon nuclear deterrence policies based on first-use of nuclear weapons. China commits to the policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons, supports negotiating and signing a treaty or issuing a political statement on mutual no-first-use of nuclear weapons, and strongly calls for the conclusion of an international legal instrument on assurances for not using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states and nuclear-weapon-free zones. Nuclear disarmament should follow the principles of “maintaining global strategic stability” and “undiminished security for all” and proceed in a gradual manner. Countries with the largest nuclear arsenals should earnestly fulfill their special and primary responsibilities in nuclear disarmament, and continue to make further substantial and substantive cuts to their nuclear arsenals in a verifiable, irreversible and legally binding manner, so as to create conditions for achieving the ultimate goal of general and complete nuclear disarmament.




China stands ready to work with the international community to jointly strengthen global biosecurity governance, improve international institutions and rules on biosecurity, in particular, enhance the universality, authority and effectiveness of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), and ensure the compliance of countries’ biological activities with the BWC through concrete measures while, at the same time, effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights of developing countries to peaceful use of biological technologies. China is committed to upholding the authority and effectiveness of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), and urges Japan to speed up the destruction of abandoned chemical weapons in China in order to achieve the goal of a world free of chemical weapons at an early date. China upholds the CWC as a guideline for properly settling hotspot issues concerning chemical weapons, opposes politicization, and promotes international cooperation on peaceful uses of chemistry.


  • 版权声明 本文源自 外交部sisu04 整理 发表于 2024年9月19日 20:51:13