
摘要Full Text: Position Paper of the PRC for the Summit of the Future and the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly


IV. With the future in mind, China stays committed to playing a constructive role in the development and reform of global governance. 文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15764.html




China advocates an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. It believes in equality between countries big or small, and opposes hegemonism and power politics. It works for greater democracy in international relations, follows the vision of global governance featuring extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, upholds true multilateralism, and defends firmly the U.N.-centered international system, the international order based on international law and the basic norms of international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter. China responds to the common needs of countries in general and developing countries in particular, supports all countries in pursuing development paths suited to their respective national realities, and strives to make global governance more just and equitable.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15764.html




China holds that countries, regardless of size and strength, should be enabled to take part in decision-making, enjoy their rights and play their roles as equals in the process toward multipolarity. It calls for more efforts to promote democracy in international relations, increase the representation and voice of developing countries, and reject hegemonism and power politics. China stands firm against Cold War mentality, opposes ideological bias, rejects unilateralism and protectionism, and objects to bloc formation, fragmentation and disorder.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15764.html




China is always a member of the Global South and always stands with all countries of the South through thick and thin. China believes that it is important for the Global South to maintain independence which is their defining political feature, undertake the historical mission of development and revitalization, and work together to uphold international fairness and justice, safeguard world peace, and promote common development. China is actively carrying out open and inclusive cooperation with other Global South countries as President Xi Jinping proposed, and will stay committed to the development and revitalization of the Global South and join other Global South countries in a common pursuit of modernization.




China believes that the reform of the U.N. should be conducted in a way that is conducive to upholding multilateralism and the role of the U.N., increasing the voice of developing countries in international affairs, and boosting the enforcement capacity and management efficiency of the U.N. agencies. It is important to follow the basic principle of equal-footed consultation at the U.N., and encourage the U.N. to stand firm for justice, uphold the rule of law, promote cooperation and focus on real action. China calls for more efforts to improve the international rule of law and give developing countries a greater say in the development, interpretation and application of international rules.




China supports carrying out necessary and reasonable reform to the Security Council to increase its authority and efficiency, enhance its capacity to tackle global threats and challenges, and enable it to better fulfill its mandate given by the U.N. Charter. The Security Council should not become a club of the big and the rich. Its reform should help increase the representation and voice of developing countries, redress the historical injustices done to Africa, and give more developing countries with independent foreign policies and just positions the opportunity to sit on the Security Council and participate in its decision-making. China supports making special arrangements to address Africa’s concerns as a priority. The Security Council reform bears on the future of the U.N. and the fundamental interests of the entire membership. All parties should uphold the role of the intergovernmental negotiations on Security Council reform as the main channel, follow the membership-driven principle, reach the most extensive political consensus through full and democratic consultation, and seek a package solution to the five clusters of key issues related to the reform, one that accommodates the interests and concerns of all parties.




China calls on U.N. Member States to earnestly fulfill their financial obligations stipulated in the U.N. Charter and pay assessments for both regular budgets and peacekeeping operations in full in accordance with the “capacity to pay” principle set forth in the U.N. General Assembly resolution to support the U.N. in effectively carrying out its functions. More importance should be attached to the regional representation of the staff of U.N. Secretariat and specialized agencies, and effective measures should be taken to further improve the regional balance of U.N. staff structure, so as to reflect the needs and interests of developing countries and respond fully to the expectations of the international community.




China supports comprehensively reforming the international financial architecture and increasing the voice and representation of developing countries in international financial institutions, so as to better reflect the changes in the world economic landscape. The international financial system should substantially increase funding support to help developing countries and emerging markets alleviate poverty and address global challenges, and make utmost efforts to promote development. China supports the New Development Bank, the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank and other multilateral financial institutions and international organizations in playing a constructive role in enhancing the synergy of macroeconomic policies and preventing systemic economic and financial risks. China calls for strengthening communication and cooperation among mechanisms such as the U.N., the G20, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and enhancing macroeconomic policy coordination. China supports boosting the operation and financing capacity and efficiency of international financial institutions, and raising the efficiency of using Special Drawing Rights and other reserve assets, and maintains that multilateral creditors should also participate in debt treatments.




China actively participates in global health affairs, supports the World Health Organization in playing a central and coordinating role in global health governance and in strengthening cooperation on public health with all sides in an objective, just and science-based manner. China supports necessary and equitable reform of the global health governance system in order to raise the efficiency of the system, better respond to global public health crisis, and build a global community of health for all. China welcomes the adoption of a package of amendments to the International Health Regulations at the 77th World Health Assembly, and will continue to play a constructive part in the negotiations of a Pandemic Agreement with all sides toward the goal of concluding an international instrument that demonstrates equity and solidarity on the basis of respect for sovereignty and consensus. China will continue to support and participate in science-based global origins-tracing, and firmly opposes political manipulation of any form.


  • 版权声明 本文源自 外交部sisu04 整理 发表于 2024年9月19日 20:51:13