
摘要Full Text: Responsibility and Mission of News Media in AI Era



Responsibility and Mission of News Media in AI Era文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15794.html



Xinhua Institute文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15794.html







第一部分 机遇:人工智能赋能传媒发展

Part One Opportunities: AI Empowers Media Development



I. New Drivers of Production Capacity



II. Enhanced User Experience



III. New Prospects for Business Forms


第二部分 挑战:人工智能催生多重风险

Part Two Challenges: AI Creates Multiple Risks



I. Misinformation Triggers a Crisis of Trust



II. Technology Misuse Disrupts Public Opinion



III. Rapid Development Exacerbating Governance Concerns



IV. Intelligent Applications Widens the Development Gap


第三部分 使命:坚持以人为本 推动智能向善

Part Three Mission: Putting People First and Promoting AI for Good



I. Accelerating AI-Driven Industry to Enhance the Value of Media



II. Establishing Ethical Standards based on Good Use



III. Strengthening Dialogue and Cooperation to Improve Global Governance


第四部分 调查:全球新闻媒体人工智能认知及应用现状

Part Four A Survey on the Perception and Use of Artificial Intelligence in Global News Media






Notes and Acknowledgments




Media intelligence is developing rapidly around the world. With a stronger sense of mission and urgency in bolstering our capability to guide public opinion, we need to make breakthroughs in the independent innovation of key technologies, exploring the application of AI in news gathering, generating, distribution, reception and feedback. The use of algorithms must be aligned with mainstream values for better guidance of public opinion.



– Xi Jinping







The rapid development and wide application of generative AI technology have triggered an AI boom sweeping the world, with news media once again embracing opportunities for transformation and development. The mysterious “technological singularity” in science fiction is moving from imagination to reality, leading mankind into a new space-time full of unknowns. The era of “smart media” seems to have arrived.




How AI will reshape the news media industry is still an unknown mystery as the development of this technology is still fraught with uncertainty. Just like the previous revolutions in communication technology, the development of AI cannot escape from the “Collingridge dilemma”. The pros and cons of the emerging technology are still in the “black box” until they are tested in practice.




There is broad consensus within the international community on building an effective governance mechanism to promote AI for the benefit of mankind. In October 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the Global AI Governance Initiative at the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. The Initiative states that AI governance is a matter of shared future for humankind and a common issue for all countries. World peace and development are facing diverse challenges. Against this backdrop, all countries should be committed to the principle of equal emphasis on development and security, and forge consensus through dialogue and cooperation; they should build an open, fair and effective governance mechanism, promoting AI for the benefit of humankind, and contributing to the building of a community with a shared future for humanity. Focusing on the development, safety and governance of AI, the Initiative sets forth basic principles such as “putting people first” and “intelligence for good”, offering a Chinese perspective for tackling the challenges of AI governance.




What opportunities and challenges do news media face in the era of AI? How should news media fulfill their duties and missions to promote intelligence for good? To explore these questions, the research team at New China Research (NCR), the think tank of Xinhua News Agency, conducted a questionnaire survey in Chinese, English and French for global news media organizations in 2024, gathering 1,094 valid questionnaires. Participants from 53 countries and regions, including newspapers, periodicals, broadcasting and television stations, news agencies, websites and mobile application service providers. Additionally, the team visited major mainstream media outlets, technology companies and research institutes around the world to conduct in-depth investigations into the opportunities, challenges, responsibilities and missions of news media in the AI era. Based on the research data and interview results, the group conducted a rigorous qualitative and quantitative analysis and, after extensive discussions, produced the report titled “The Responsibility and Mission of News Media in the Era of Artificial Intelligence”.




The report found that the majority of global news media (66%) held a positive view on the impact of generative AI on the industry. Most respondents (67.6%) had already experienced changes brought about by AI and more than half of (51.2%) of them had begun to implement AI technologies. Media organizations primarily expected generative AI to enhance the timeliness (74.6%) and productivity (74.4%) of news reporting. However, they also expressed concerns about the credibility risk brought about by AI, particularly regarding the “distortion and inaccuracy of news clues and materials” (76.4%). Additionally, a significant majority of news media (85.6%) believed that the application of generative AI required better regulation.




According to the report, AI is driving a new wave of productivity in news media creating advanced productive forces across content collection, production, distribution, and evaluation. It empowers both media organizations and consumers with enhanced experiences that transcend time and space, integrating virtual and real-world interactions, and facilitating human-machine communication. Additionally, AI is creating new forms of businesses models, including a media-centric approach for everything, platform-based media, and digitalized and intelligent industry.




The report suggests that the uncertainty of AI and its misuse have given rise to multiple risks and challenges. False information has escalated in scale, form and distribution, triggering a global crisis of authenticity. Additionally, the technology's limitations and the users' private interests have created a “collusion” effect, polluting the public opinion and negatively affecting individual perceptions and societal discourse. This situation has intensified international confrontations of information. Furthermore, widespread value disputes and ethical dilemmas have put AI in a dilemma between development and governance. The “intelligence divide” may further widen the gap between people, urban and rural areas, and between the North and the South, promoting technological hegemony and exacerbating global development imbalances.




The report proposes that news media, by shouldering social responsibilities and committing to a “people-first” approach while promoting “intelligence for good”, will fulfil its duties in the era of AI in four aspects: accelerating intelligent initiatives to enhance media value, prioritizing ethical use to establish robust standards, shouldering social responsibilities to optimize the cognitive environment, and fostering dialogue and cooperation to improve global governance. In this way, powerful media forces will unite to build a community with a shared future and contribute to a better world.
