
摘要Full Text: “Eight Major Steps” Heralds Promising New Decade of Belt and Road Cooperation



“Eight Major Steps” Heralds Promising New Decade of Belt and Road Cooperation文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15795.html



Xinhua Institute文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15795.html








第一章 八项行动推动高质量共建“一带一路”迈上新起点

Chapter One The Eight Major Steps Propel High-Quality Belt and Road Cooperation to a New Starting Point


1.1 互联互通持续发展稳步推进

1.1 Continued and Steady Progress in Connectivity Development


1.2 “绿色”“数字”成为创新发展关键词

1.2 “Green” and “Digital” Energy as Essential Themes of Innovative Development



1.3 “Small Yet Smart” Projects Achieve Effective Results and Benefit Livelihood


1.4 机制建设持续深化,民间交往亮点频现

1.4 Deepening Mechanism Building and Prominent People-to-People Exchanges


第二章 八项行动打造高质量共建“一带一路”新机遇

Chapter Two The Eight Major Steps Create New Opportunities for High- Quality BRI Cooperation


2.1 更大范围谋发展:成为构建开放型世界经济的压舱石

2.1 Promoting Development on a Broader Scale: A Ballast for Building an Open World Economy


2.2 更宽领域促增长:成为推动各国共同发展的发动机

2.2 Expanding Growth in Broader Sectors as an Engine for Joint Development


2.3 更深层次共繁荣:成为实现世界现代化的加速器

2.3 Deepen Shared Prosperity to Accelerate Global Modernization


第三章 持续推进八项行动,开启高质量共建“一带一路”新征程

Chapter Three Advancing the Eight Major Steps and Embarking on a New Journey for High-Quality BRI Cooperation


3.1 夯实合作根基,构建更高韧性互联互通网络

3.1 Strengthening the Foundations of Cooperation to Build a More Resilient Connectivity Network


3.2 壮大创新火种,解锁更多新领域合作潜力

3.2 Expanding Innovation and Unlocking Potential in New Areas of Cooperation


3.3 遏制风险苗头,共筑行稳致远坚实基底

3.3 Mitigating Risks and Laying a Solid Foundation for Long-Term Stability


3.4 完善合作机制,助力八项行动见实见效

3.4 Improving Cooperation Mechanisms to Ensure the Effective Implementation of the Eight Major Steps






Writing Explanation and Acknowledgments







In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the magnificent Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), marking a milestone in the history of human development. Over the past decade, with joint efforts from all sides, the BRI – centered on connectivity – has transcended geographical boundaries, bridged cultural differences, and aligned development needs. It has pioneered a new framework for international cooperation, built on the principles of consultation, collaboration, and shared benefits. Today, the BRI stands as the world’s most popular international public good and the largest platform for global cooperation. It has become a path of partnership, opportunity, and prosperity for the countries involved.




During the keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation convened in October 2023, President Xi Jinping announced China’s support for eight initiatives aimed at advancing the high-quality development of the Belt and Road. Over the past year, with the concerted efforts of BRI partner countries, these initiatives have steadily progressed and achieved remarkable results, laying a solid foundation for the second decade of the BRI. The experience has demonstrated that in today’s global context, the pursuit of development, growth, and shared prosperity is a common aspiration for all nations. The BRI continues to gain worldwide consensus and has entered a phase of significant opportunity. It is well-positioned to become a ballast for building an open world economy, a driving force for collective growth, and a catalyst for global modernization.




Looking ahead, countries involved in the BRI must further implement the eight initiatives, advance practical cooperation, and jointly promote innovative development. Together, they can address risks and challenges while ensuring the steady progress of high-quality Belt and Road construction on this new journey. The goal is to create a world where peace, mutual benefit, and shared prosperity are the hallmarks of modernization and to contribute to building a community with a shared future for humanity.
