诗歌翻译:徐志摩· 《我不知道风是在哪一个方向吹》

摘要I Do Not Know Which Way the Wind’s Blowing



































I Do Not Know Which Way the Wind’s Blowing

Xu Zhimo


I do not know

which way the wind’s blowing –

I’m caught in a dream,

I whirl in the dream’s sinuous flowing.


I do not know

which way the wind’s blowing –

I’m caught in a dream,

her tenderness, my passion growing.


I do not know

which way the wind’s blowing –

I’m caught in a dream,

with sweetness the dream’s brilliance glowing.


I do not know

which way the wind’s blowing –

I’m caught in a dream,

her false heart my sadness bestowing.


I do not know

which way the wind’s blowing –

I’m caught in a dream:

in the dream’s grief my heartbreak is showing.


I do not know

which way the wind’s blowing –

I’m caught in a dream,

in bleakness the dream’s brilliance going.


(Stuart Lyons 译)


I am Insensible of Wind…

Xu Zhimo


I am insensible of wind

Insensible of its direction to blow –

I am in my dream,

Tossing to and fro in the rippling of my dream.


I am insensible of wind

Insensible of its direction to blow –

I am in my dream,

Her tenderness is a fascination for me.


I am insensible of wind

Insensible of its direction to blow –

I am in my dream,

Sweet is the glory of dream.


I am insensible of wind

Insensible of its direction to blow –

I am in my dream,

Her disloyalty is my great sadness.


I am insensible of wind

Insensible of its direction to blow –

I am in my dream,

Heartbroken in sorrow of dream!


I am insensible of wind

Insensible of its direction to blow –

I am in my dream,

Gloomy is the glory of dream.


(海岸 译,屠岸 校译)


I Don’t Know Which Direction the Wind Is Blowing

Xu Zhimo


I don’t know

Which direction the wind is blowing –

I am in a dream,

In the dream’s gentle wave lingering.


I don’t know

Which direction the wind is blowing –

I am in a dream,

Her tenderness, my fascination.


I don’t know

Which direction the wind is blowing –

I am in a dream,

Sweetness is the glory of the dream.


I don’t know

Which direction the wind is blowing –

I am in a dream,

Her betrayal, my depression.


I don’t know

Which direction the wind is blowing –

I am in a dream,

heartbroken in the gloom of the dream.


I don’t know

Which direction the wind is blowing –

I am in a dream,

Dimness is the glory of the dream.


(The Oleander Press 译)


I Cannot Tell

Xu Zhimo


I cannot tell which way

The wind is blowing

For I am in a dream

Spun around in gentle waves.


I cannot tell which way

The wind is blowing

For I am in a dream

Of her tenderness and my dizzying enchantment.


I cannot tell which way

The wind is blowing

For I am in a dream

Whose sweetness is its Glory.


I cannot tell which way

The wind is blowing

For I am in a dream

Of her indifference and my emptiness.


I cannot tell which way

The wind is blowing

For I am in a dream

That breaks the heart.


I cannot tell which way

The wind is blowing

For I am in a dream

Whose desolation is its Glory.




(Herbert Batt and Sheldon Ziter 译)


I Do Not Know in Which Quarter the Wind Is Blowing

Xu Zhimo


I do not know

In which quarter the wind is blowing –

In a dream I am, oh,

To the dreamy wavelets going.


I do not know

In which quarter the wind is blowing –

In a dream I am, oh,

Her tenderness, my ecstasy flowing.


I do not know

In which quarter the wind is blowing –

I a dream I am, oh,

The sweetness, the dreamy glowing.


I do not know

In which quarter the wind is blowing –

In a dream I am, oh,

Her betrayal, my sorrowful knowing.


I do not know

In which quarter the wind is blowing –

In a dream I am, oh,

Heartbroken in the dream growing.


I do not know

In which quarter the wind is blowing –

In a dream I am, oh,

Faintness, the dreamy glowing.




(傅浩 译)

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