
摘要Full Text: Report on the Work of the Government 2025



REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15998.html



Delivered at the Third Session of the 14th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on March 5, 2025文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15998.html


国务院总理 李强文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15998.html

Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15998.html



Fellow Deputies,




On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government for your deliberation and also for comments from members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).



  1. A Review of Our Work in 2024




The year 2024 was a truly remarkable year in China’s development journey. At its third plenary session, the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) set forth plans for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. We celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, greatly inspiring patriotism and

dedication in the Chinese people of all ethnic groups.


Over the past year, in the face of complex and challenging developments marked by mounting external pressures and growing domestic difficulties, we, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, have overcome difficulties and continued to forge ahead under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core.


We ensured overall stable performance and steady growth of the economy and accomplished the main goals and tasks for economic and social development in 2024. Solid headway was made in pursuing high-quality development and fostering new quality productive forces. China’s economic strength, scientific and technological capabilities, and composite national strength continued to rise, and solid new strides were made in advancing Chinese modernization. These achievements have filled us with even greater confidence and resolve as we press forward on the new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects in the new era.


“稳”的态势巩固延续。主要表现在,经济规模稳步扩大,国内生产总值达到134.9万亿元、增长5%,增速居世界主要经济体前列,对全球经济增长的贡献率保持在30%左右。就业、物价总体平稳,城镇新增就业1256万人、城镇调查失业率平均为5.1%,居民消费价格上涨0.2%。国际收支基本平衡,对外贸易规模创历史新高,国际市场份额稳中有升, 外汇储备超过3.2万亿美元。民生保障扎实稳固,居民人均可支配收入实际增长5.1%,脱贫攻坚成果持续巩固拓展,义务教育、基本养老、基本医疗、社会救助等保障力度加大。重点领域风险化解有序有效,社会大局保持稳定。


Stable performance was consolidated and sustained, as demonstrated in the following areas:


Steady expansion of the economy: China’s gross domestic product (GDP) rose to 134.9 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5 percent. China ranks among the world’s fastest-growing major economies, continuing to contribute about 30 percent to global economic growth.


Generally stable employment and prices: A total of 12.56 million urban jobs were created, and surveyed urban unemployment rates averaged 5.1 percent. The consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.2 percent.


A basic equilibrium in the balance of payments: Foreign trade reached a record high, and the global market share of China’s exports increased steadily. Foreign exchange reserves surpassed 3.2 trillion US dollars.


Steady progress in ensuring the people’s wellbeing: Per capita disposable income grew by 5.1 percent in real terms. Achievements made in poverty alleviation were further consolidated and expanded, and greater support was provided for compulsory education, basic old-age insurance, basic medical insurance, and social assistance. Well-ordered and effective steps were taken to defuse risks in key areas, helping ensure overall social stability.


“进”的步伐坚实有力。主要表现在,产业升级有新进展,粮食产量首次跃上1.4万亿斤新台阶、亩产提升10.1斤;高技术制造业、装备制造业增加值分别增长8.9%、7.7%,新能源汽车年产量突破1300万辆;信息传输软件和信息技术服务业、租赁和商务服务业增加值分别增长10.9%、10.4%。创新能力有新提升,集成电路、人工智能、量子科技等领域取得新成果;“嫦娥六号”实现人类首次月球背面采样返回,“梦想”号大洋钻探船建成入列;技术合同成交额增长11.2%。生态环境质量有新改善, 地级及以上城市细颗粒物 (PM2.5)平均浓度下降2.7%,优良天数比例上升至87.2%,地表水优良水质断面比例提高到90.4%;单位国内生产总值能耗降幅超过3%;可再生能源新增装机3.7亿千瓦。改革开放有新突破,扎实有力落实党的二十届二中、三中全会改革部署,机构改革全面完成,构建全国统一大市场、渐进式延迟法定退休年龄等重大改革举措陆续推出;制造业领域外资准入限制措施全部取消,共建“一带一路”贸易投资合作不断扩容升级。


Strong and solid progress was achieved, as shown in the following areas:


New advancements in industrial upgrading: Grain output hit a new high of 700 million metric tons, with the yield per hectare rising by 75.75 kilograms. The value added of high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing rose by 8.9 percent and 7.7 percent respectively, and the output of new-energy vehicles passed the 13 million mark. The value added increased by 10.9 percent in the sectors of information transmission, software, and IT services and by 10.4 percent in leasing and business services.


Further enhancements in innovation capacity: New achievements were made in integrated circuits, artificial intelligence (AI), quantum technology, and other areas. The Chang’e-6 mission completed humanity’s first-ever sample collection from the far side of the moon, and the Mengxiang ocean drilling vessel was delivered and commissioned. The value of technology contract transactions increased by 11.2 percent.


New improvements in the environment: In cities at and above the prefectural level, the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) fell by 2.7 percent, and the proportion of days with good or excellent air quality rose to 87.2 percent. The proportion of surface water with a good quality rating reached 90.4 percent. Energy consumption per unit of GDP dropped by more than 3 percent, and installed renewable energy capacity grew by 370 million kilowatts.


New breakthroughs in reform and opening up: We implemented the reform plans adopted at the second and third plenary sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee with solid and effective steps, which included completing the reform of government institutions across the board, adopting major reform measures for building a unified national market, and gradually raising the statutory retirement age. All market access restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing sector were lifted, and trade and investment cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative was steadily expanded and upgraded.




Our achievements in 2024 did not come easily. The adverse impact of changes in the international environment increased, and some deep-seated structural problems that had been building up in the country for years came to a head. Sluggish domestic demand was compounded by weak public expectations along with other issues, and natural disasters like floods occurred frequently in some parts of China. All this added to the difficulty of maintaining economic and social stability.


However, we responded to this array of difficulties and challenges with both active and effective steps: We redoubled efforts to implement adopted policies and improved macro regulation in a timely manner. In particular, we took firm actions to implement a package of new policies that was decided on by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at a meeting on September 26. This led to a notable rebound in the economy and effectively boosted public confidence, ensuring the fulfillment of our goals for 2024 and laying a good foundation for development in 2025.


In the course of this, we deepened our understanding of the laws governing economic work and became more keenly aware that the centralized, unified leadership of the Party Central Committee is essential to doing our economic work well. It is also clear that we must properly handle the relationships between an efficient market and a well-functioning government, between aggregate supply and demand, between fostering new growth drivers and upgrading old ones, between optimizing allocation of new resources and making the best use of existing ones, and between enhancing quality and expanding total output. What we have achieved once again proves that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and with the dedicated efforts of our people across the country, we can prevail over any difficulty in pursuing development.


