





Living our Principles文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/1601.html


Dear Colleagues,文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/1601.html


In the wake of the recent U.S. elections, I wanted to take a moment to recognize that many around the world have been concerned over the harsh words and rhetoric that was directed at various groups of people throughout the campaigns. Regardless of our view of the election outcomes or our personal politics, our company will never condone such rhetoric, but instead will continue to value diversity in all its forms.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/1601.html


In fact, our first Principle is that we consider a diverse compliment of people to be our greatest asset. These are not just words. We truly value a diverse team of people who share a passion for our Purpose and a commitment to our Principles and Performance – these are the only qualifiers. We, in fact, believe that we will be a better company with more diversity – diversity of gender, color, ethnicity, beliefs, talents, experience, thought, etc.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/1601.html


One of my favorite books is “The Six Thinking Hats.” It’s a simple book about the value of seeing everything from (at least) six different perspectives. It’s a great example of why diversity is so important, because no one amongst us has all the perspectives needed to make the best decisions, especially in the global and diverse context in which we live and compete. That is why we genuinely believe that ONLY in our collective perspectives will we build a high-performance company and culture.


Beyond building a diverse organization, we can all become more diverse leaders and teammates. The unfortunate truth is that we all have biases – some conscious, some not – that can limit our effectiveness in the workplace (and our personal lives). In the workplace, these biases can influence the way we think, decide, communicate, and act; and can unknowingly influence and impede our culture and performance. Especially in the context of the highly charged political climate, now is a great time for all of us to do some self-assessment, ask more for other’s points of view, spur more dialogue and debate, and just listen more.


Building Our Future continues to be my top priority and passion. Our Purpose and Principles are such an important foundation to building the company we aspire to build. I encourage everyone to revisit our Principles (link), and ensure you fully understand the meaning and importance of every word that makes up this guiding document. Without exception, our company is unwavering in our commitment to these Principles.




Pipe-Laying Protection


Laying subsea pipelines requires a long string of pipeline to be carefully placed on a seabed up to 3,000 meters (1.8 miles) below the water’s surface. The vessel moves along laying pipe, with each 12 meter pipe joint being welded to the next to form a suspended string (or chain) that is then lowered to the seafloor as the vessel moves along by its own propulsion.


During the pipe laying process – due to the occasional propulsion system malfunction, or the inadvertent effects of waves and currents – the vessel can pitch or sway outside normal operating limits. This can create a buckle at the point that the string of pipe has the largest curvature (i.e., where it leaves the vessel or where it joins the seabed).


Two things can happen when the pipe buckles: in one instance, the buckle will flatten the pipe together, but it will not break. This is called a “dry buckle,” and can be fixed by going back and cutting the joint, moving back and cutting more, until the buckle is encountered and pulled out. Then the lay vessel will start that section over.


Although a dry buckle wastes pipeline materials and time, it’s nowhere near the cost of the second instance – a wet buckle.


When a wet buckle occurs, the pipeline is severed and water enters the line, filling the suspended section that is being laid. This causes several problems: for one, the lay vessel is calculated to hold the pipeline at a certain weight and let it out as it moves forward, but when it is filled with water, the pipe becomes much heavier.


“There are only two or three lay vessels in the world that can hold a deepwater pipeline filled with water,” cautions George Lim, an offshore expert with TDW. “The vessel has a maximum tension capacity and if the pipeline becomes too heavy it will pull the chain out of the lay vessel.”


And if the pipeline comes loose, it can flail around uncontrollably, risking massive damage to the lay vessel and people on board before falling down to the seabed.


Another consequence of a wet buckle is that the seawater and soil contaminate the newly laid line, meaning that the operator must dewater it before the vessel can start laying pipeline again. Dewatering is a lengthy process. First, the damaged area of the line is cut, then pigs with special inhibitors are pushed to dry the line so that it can be picked up again and the laying process can continue.
