These new schools will face rigorous requirements to ensure that as well as giving greater opportunities to their own students, they also support their neighbouring non-selective schools to do the best by theirs.
But we know there will be no return to the binary models of the past, but rather a step into a more egalitarian future, where the opportunity to receive the education which suits a child best is within reach of everyone in our society, and not just a privileged few.文章源自英文巴士-
Because being a Government at the service of the people means taking action on the issues that concern them.文章源自英文巴士-
Not thinking we know best and turning a blind eye to their concerns, but listening and responding to what people want.文章源自英文巴士-
So we will take control of immigration and make sure the immigration system works in the national interest.文章源自英文巴士-
We will welcome immigrants who make a valued and necessary contribution to our economy and society, but we will once again have control of the system, and manage it according to our needs.文章源自英文巴士-
And at the very same time that we take action to address people’s legitimate concerns about immigration, we will be unstinting in our determination to tackle the historic injustices, like racial and gender discrimination, that hold too many people in our society back.
The Britain we will build must be a country where everyone has an equal chance to succeed and where getting on in life is dependent on talent and hard work, not background or connections.
Our Party should aspire to be the servant and the voice of hard-working and patriotic British people of every social class and race, of any religion and none, of women and men equally, of gay and straight, young and old.
We are a union of people who are bound together by enduring common interests – and all are respected and welcome in our party and our country.
Because everything I have been talking about today adds up to the over-arching goal of our Plan for Britain: the creation of a more united nation that our children and grandchildren are proud to call home.
Our Party believes heart and soul in our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The precious bond between four nations: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
But that union is more than just a constitutional artefact.
It is a union between all of our citizens, whoever we are and wherever we’re from.
So our Pan for Britain will put strengthening and sustaining that Union at its heart.
It means taking the big decisions when they’re the right ones for Britain in the long-term – putting the national interest above any other consideration.
And it means ensuring that we act in the interests of the whole country – creating jobs and supporting cities, towns and communities right across our United Kingdom.
It’s has always been the special mission of our Conservative Party to be the true national party in Britain; to aspire to represent all of the country and all of the people.
And today our goal must be nothing less.
Because we are now the Party of the new centre-ground of British politics.
Rejecting the extremes of Labour’s socialist left, UKIP’s libertarian right, and the divisive and obsessive nationalisms of Plaid Cymru and the SNP.
And we have seen that tunnel vision on display again this week. The SNP argue that we should break up the UK because we are leaving the EU, but three years ago, they campaigned for a result that would have taken Scotland out of the EU altogether.
They are happy to see power rest in Brussels. But if those powers come back to London, they want them given to Edinburgh so that they can try to give them back to Brussels.
And now they apparently say that an independent Scotland would no longer seek to become a member of the EU after a vote for separation.
It is muddle on muddle.
The fact that more Scottish voters backed Scotland staying in the UK in 2014 than supported the UK staying in the EU in 2016, and that almost half a million independence supporters actually backed Brexit last year seems to count for nothing.
It is now clear that using Brexit as the pretext to engineer a second independence referendum has been the SNP’s sole objective ever since last June.
But it would be bad for Scotland, bad for the United Kingdom, and bad for us all.
The coming negotiations with the EU will be vital for everyone in the United Kingdom.
Every person, every family, every business, every community – the length and breadth of the United Kingdom – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
It is essential that we get the right deal, and that all of our efforts and energies as a country are focused on that outcome.
We can only get that deal if we are united, as one United Kingdom, all pulling together to get the best outcome.
That’s what we have always done when faced with challenges.
We have pulled together as one and succeeded together.
We are four nations, but, at heart, we are one people.
As the Prime Minister of this United Kingdom, I will always ensure the voices and interests of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are represented as we negotiate to leave the EU.
And I will always fight to strengthen and sustain this precious, precious Union.
A great leader of our Party once said that “the Tory Party, unless it is a national party, is nothing.”
Our Party, he went on to say, “is a party formed from all the numerous classes in the realm – classes alike and equal before the law, but whose different conditions and different aims give vigour and variety to our national life.”
At its best, it has always been the mission of our Party to serve all of the people.
To be the truly national party.
To act always in the national interest, and never in a sectional interest.
To encourage the strong, and to protect the vulnerable.
To enable success, and to use the fruits of our collective success to advance the common good.
In the years ahead, these are the values that should light our path.
With our vision of a better future for our country, a Plan for a stronger, fairer Britain and the determination to see it through., we will achieve that mission and be worthy of that better future.
Thank you.