
摘要Message by UNESCO DG Ms. Irina Bokova on the International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017

International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017

Message from Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Day for Disaster Reduction文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/3831.html



13 October 2017文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/3831.html



Disasters produced by natural hazards strike societies at the heart and affect millions of people every year worldwide. These past months have been particularly destructive, when all have seen the extent of the threat and of our own vulnerability. Cyclones in the Caribbean and the USA have far exceeded in intensity the typical seasonal levels, and the population of Mexico has been severely hit by earthquakes, to name but a few examples. Human activities are linked to this escalation.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/3831.html




In 2016, 24.2 million persons had to leave their homes because of disasters. Over the last twenty years, more than 1.35 million have died as a result of their vulnerability and exposure to natural hazards, with women and girls bearing a heavy toll. In the last two decades, over 4 billion persons have been displaced and left homeless, injured or in need of emergency assistance. The resulting loss of life is tragic, while the resulting destruction is extremely costly. Disasters lead to an estimated annual economic loss of USD$ 250 to 300 billion. These figures are likely to increase with the rising pressures of climate change, overpopulation and urbanization.


2016年,灾害迫使 2420万人背井离乡。过去20年里,由于在自然灾害面前不堪一击,超过135万人失去了生命,妇女和女童代价惨重。过去20年里,超过40亿人曾流离失所,无家可归,他们身心受到伤害,有时需要紧急援助。自然灾害所导致的生命的逝去是悲剧性的,而所带来的破坏代价高昂。灾害每年造成的经济损失估计高达2500亿到3000亿美元。随着气候变化、人口过剩以及城市化压力加大,这些数字有可能进一步增长。


UNESCO stands in solidarity with all the persons affected by disasters worldwide. This must translate into concrete public policies to take forward implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement. UNESCO is acting across the board to advocate for risk awareness, prevention and preparedness. We operate at the interface between the natural and social sciences, education, culture and communication to reduce exposure and displacements through capacity building, knowledge sharing and networking, early warning and policy advice.




“Home Safe Home” is the slogan for this International Day for Disaster Reduction. This is an opportunity to mobilize the world and to strengthen collaboration with all stakeholders. We can reduce the risks that stem from rapid urbanisation, poverty, environmental deterioration and climate change. Above all, we need to avoid the creation of risks in the first place. This demands more education, culture, and local knowledge, along with prevention skills.




This is our message – let us join forces to share it across the world.





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