
摘要Keynote Speech by Amb. Liu Xiaoming at the China-UK Economic and Trade 2018

Ladies and Gentlemen,




I believe I have painted a grand picture of huge opportunities, strong driving forces and broad platforms. However, as President Xi said in his New Year message, we must not indulge in mere dreams or rhetoric.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/4362.html


The more important thing we need to do is to adopt a down-to-earth attitude and deliver solid outcomes to translate this dream into reality. In this regard, may I share with you my three suggestions.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/4362.html




First, we need to match our development strategies.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/4362.html


There is a strong match between China’s Belt and Road Initiative and “Made in China 2025” policy, and the “Global Britain” and Modern Industrial Strategy of the UK in terms of the goals they set out to achieve. This creates opportunities for companies from the two countries to deepen cooperation.


To help them seize these opportunities, I hope our two sides will continue to make our development strategies match and enhance policy coordination. This will provide a high-quality institutional environment and policy guarantee for companies to engage in economic and trade cooperation.




Second, we need to upgrade our cooperation to a higher level.


The UK is highly experienced and competitive in financial and legal services, high-end manufacturing, clean energy, creative industry, bio-science and medicine.


While in China, on top of a huge market, our economic structure is being improved, new sectors such as digital economy are thriving, and the innovation-driven development strategy has been effective and delivered fruitful results.


I look forward to continued efforts from you, both Chinese and British entrepreneurs, to put your strengths together. There is huge potential to be tapped in expanding trade and investment and enhancing industrial and innovation cooperation. Together, we could achieve common development.




My third suggestion is to enrich tri-partite cooperation.


China and the UK have a huge potential and promising future in Belt and Road cooperation.


It is my hope that both Chinese and British businesses will step up practical cooperation under this framework and work together to explore a third market along the Belt and Road.


I encourage you to put your respective strengths to use as you work to meet the need of Belt and Road development.


I encourage you to go out there to connect with the countries along the Belt and Road.


I hope that in the process of cooperation, you could build your brand name and create the highlights of your business.


This will deliver win-win results to more than just China and Britain. This will benefit three or even more parties involved.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




As a Chinese saying goes, a nine-storey tower rises up from a pile of soil.


Building China-UK cooperation requires the same down-to-earth approach.


I sincerely hope that the business communities of our two countries will act in this spirit, seize the valuable opportunities of this new era, embrace new ideas and break new ground.


I am sure, by working together, we will deliver more “golden fruits” for China-UK “Golden Era”, and make new contribution to and scale new heights in China-UK economic and trade cooperation.




To conclude, I wish the China-UK Economic and Trade Forum a complete success!




Thank you.


