
摘要Full Text of Premier Li Keqiang’s Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2018



Ladies and Gentlemen,文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/5861.html




China has made vigorous efforts to nurture new growth drivers. Facing a weak global economy and downward pressure on the Chinese economy in the past several years, China, instead of resorting to massive stimulus, stayed the course of reform and innovation guided by the new development philosophy. Seizing the opportunity of the new industrial revolution and harnessing our advantages in human resources and market potential, we have focused on enhancing the new growth drivers and accelerating the shift from traditional drivers of growth to new ones. Our endeavors have produced better-than-expected results: the new drivers have played a key role in sustaining growth, adjusting the economic structure and expanding employment.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/5861.html




We have made vigorous efforts to streamline administration and cut taxes and fees, unlocking market vitality. Our businesses and the general public often encounter red tape and high cost in their investment and operations and in starting a business and accessing government services. To address these issues, we have substantially reduced the number of items requiring administrative approval, reformed the business system, and taken the initiative to slash taxes and fees. In particular, we rolled out a nationwide program of replacing business tax with VAT in a phased manner, which has lowered institutional transaction costs and production and operation costs. The VAT reform has also improved China’s business environment and enhanced the quality and performance of Chinese companies.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/5861.html


In the past five years, the number of market entities in China has surged by nearly 80% to more than 100 million, and around 70% of new market entities are in active operation. This has not only accelerated the development of new drivers but also given a strong boost to employment. We are now seeing more than 13 million new urban jobs created each year in China. Employment generates income, which produces new consumption and investment, thus fostering a healthy cycle of economic development.




We have adopted a prudent yet accommodative approach to regulation, contributing to a boom in emerging industries. New industries, new forms of business and new models create new driving forces. In the beginning we may only have limited knowledge of the workings of emerging industries, which can be vastly or even completely different from traditional ones. Therefore, mechanically following old regulatory methods will not work, just like one shouldn’t cut the toes to fit new shoes. Instead, we have established a prudent yet accommodative regulatory approach.


Our approach is this: as long as new forms of business and new models do not go against laws or regulations, cross the line of security or damage public interests, we will take an accommodative attitude toward their innovations by leaving sufficient space for their development. If we are not immediately certain about the prospect of these new forms of business and new models, we will allow time to prudently observe their performances instead of imposing a regulatory straitjacket right away.


Any regulatory measures to be taken will be carefully assessed to make sure that they serve the purpose of both deterring malpractices and guiding the sound and orderly development of new forms of business. For those businesses that may entail huge risks or serious social consequences, we will make sure that these risks are dealt with resolutely. This also applies to the regulation of existing forms of business. For those malpractices that involve seeking illegal gains, putting lives and property in danger, cheating and swindling, making or selling fake or substandard goods, and infringing on IPRs, we will mete out serious punishment in accordance with the law, no matter whether they emanate from emerging or traditional businesses, or are conducted online or offline. This regulatory approach has facilitated the rapid rise of emerging industries, such as online shopping, mobile payment and the sharing economy, which have become a hallmark of the thriving new drivers of the Chinese economy.




We have encouraged mass entrepreneurship and innovation, inspiring immense social creativity. China has a workforce of nearly 900 million, among which 170 million have received higher education or training in professional skills. Every year we produce over eight million university graduates and over five million graduates from secondary vocational schools. To tap their vast creative potential, we have made institutional improvements, adopted supportive policies, and fostered an enabling ecosystem for entrepreneurship and innovation. We have strengthened services to encourage university students and returnee migrant workers to start their own businesses as a way to meet their job needs. We have reformed the science and technology management system and expanded the right of researchers to own and benefit from their scientific and technological achievements.


We have sought to exert the primary role of companies in innovation and adopted policy incentives for all companies that increase R&D input. We have built open and sharing platforms to promote collaborative innovation by large, medium and small companies, research institutes, universities and makers, making innovation more efficient and faster. In the past five years, the number of in-force Chinese invention patents has tripled, and the annual volume of technology transactions doubled. The Global Innovation Index 2018 recently published by the World Intellectual Property Organization and other institutions puts China at the 17th place globally, 18 places higher than in 2013.




As an ancient Chinese poem reads, verdant trees and gurgling springs herald a vibrant season. Likewise, the growing ranks of entrepreneurs and innovators are making China a magnet for innovation and business ventures and creating new horizons for economic development powered by new drivers. High-tech industries and advanced manufacturing are spearheading China’s industrial development, new forms and models of services keep emerging, and the industrial structure is upgrading at a faster pace. Online sales have increased by more than 30% annually, and new forms of consumption, such as information and green consumption, have seen rapid growth, raising the share of consumption in economic growth to over 60%. China’s economic structure and growth pattern has also seen a major shift, with new drivers contributing more than one third to economic growth and two thirds to new urban jobs, which lays a solid foundation for sustained and sound economic growth.
