Immigration Announcement by Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Good evening!文章源自英文巴士-
I’m speaking to you live from my desk in Downing Street, and I want to tell you about some of the things we’ve been doing just in the last few days.文章源自英文巴士-
And first, perhaps most important, we’ve been putting more money into policing. 1.1 billion into 20,000 more police to make our streets safer. Because what matters to me is making sure your neighborhood is a safe place.文章源自英文巴士-
We’ve also been investing in our wonderful NHS. Another 1.8 billion for 20 new hospital upgrades. And what that means is more beds, it means shorter waiting times, and it means a better health service for people around this country.文章源自英文巴士-
Of course, at the same time, we’re getting on with that work of getting ready to come out of the European Union on October the 31st. No ifs, no buts.文章源自英文巴士-
And at the same time, I’ve been seeing some absolutely incredible things around this country. Just this morning, I was at the nuclear fusion labs in Culham, which is offering an incredible, potential source of clean, cheap energy for future generations. And yet they tell me that there are literally only a few years away from being able to provide UK-made fusion reactors for sale around the world. It’s a quite incredible prospect so that’s why we are today announcing, here on Facebook Live, that we are changing the rules on immigration, so as to make the UK even more open, even more welcoming to scientists from around the world. Because I want this country to be the greatest place for science, the greatest place to start a business and to invest, the greatest place to bring up your kids and send them to school, the greatest place to live.
That is the mission. But now, I’m getting back to my work. Thank you all for tuning in.