
摘要PM Boris Johnson’s Message for Diwali 2019

Video Message by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Diwali 2019


28 October 2019文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8130.html


Hi, folks, it’s Boris Johnson here wishing everybody a very happy Diwali.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8130.html


The lights are on in Leicester’s Golden Mile, the samosas and sweet treats are being handed out and people are taking in all the wonderful sights, smells and sounds that make this festival so luminous and exciting, and, of course, so meaningful. Because today marks the moment when Lord Rama and Sita – their way lit by many thousands of lamps – returned triumphantly to their home, after the Demon King Ravana had been roundly defeated.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8130.html


And, of course, running through this occasion is the central message of good over evil, hope over despair, knowledge over ignorance, an uplifting message that I believe we can all take to our hearts.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8130.html


And with the autumnal nights growing ever longer and darker across Britain, this spectacular festival ushers in a new mood and a new spirit of optimism and joy.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8130.html


So, whether you’ve been celebrating on Soho Road in Birmingham, enjoying a ride on the Wheel of Light in Leicester, or you’re going along to watch the fireworks later this week, this really is a festival that can bring all of us together.


And to British Indians for whom this festival means so much, I want to express my personal admiration and respect for everything you do for our country. Quite simply, Britain will be a lesser country without your contribution – from running our most successful businesses to leading scientific research, serving the public in our NHS, our police, our Armed Forces, at every turn, making our country more prosperous, healthy, generous and secure.


So, to everyone celebrating Diwali here in Britain and around the world, I want to wish you all a happy Diwali and a joyful and successful new year.


Shubh Diwali!

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