
摘要Looking at Chi Men










Looking at Chi Men文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8468.html

Tsu Yung文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8468.html


We march out

our hearts moved with emotion

as we hear, back in our camp,

the sound of flute and drum.


In front of us is bitterness;

the wild snows are endless,

at dawn they colour red and the reflection

shines back on our banners.


There will be lonely nights in deserts

with the beacons on our watch-towers

throwing their beams in answer to the moon.


I remember at the city of Chi

how the clouds lie along the city walls

like waves along our home sea-coast;


and full of longing for home, I, but a simple lad,

wonder if all this is necessary; why

must we lay down the pen and pick up

the sword?


(Rewi Alley 译)


Looking at Jimen in the Distance

Zu Yong


Once on the Yan Terrace, I’m astonished to hear,

The hubbub of the drums and the Tarter flutes from the barracks of the Tang Dynasty far and near,

Cold light comes from the vast stretch of snow white,

The lofty banners on the three frontiers flutter high up in the dawning light.

To the moon o’er Hun’s area the beacon fires on the battle-fields are soaring,

Jimen Town is guarded by the seaside mountains into clouds towering.

Though, when young, I didn’t give up pen for sword as Ban Chao did,

Yet to serve our country, I now beg to go to the frontiers to achieve deeds of merit.


(王福林 译)

  • 版权声明 本文源自 英文巴士sisu04 整理 发表于 2012年2月23日 15:40:28