
摘要Full Text: Report on the Execution of the Central and Local Budgets for 2019 and on the Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2020


III. Fiscal Reform and Budgetary Management in 2020 文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/9341.html




1. Fully enforcing the Budget Law 文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/9341.html




We will ensure full compliance with the Budget Law, make budgets more binding, and introduce greater standardization in government revenue and expenditure actions. We will deepen reform of the budget management system, apply the concept of zero-based budgeting, break the ingrained pattern of government spending, and make budget compilation more scientific and accurate. Fiscal revenue will be collected in strict accordance with laws and regulations, budgets approved by people’s congresses at all levels will be faithfully executed, and adjustments and additions to budgets will be stringently controlled. Budgetary funds will be promptly released.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/9341.html


We will strengthen dynamic monitoring of budget execution, and improve mechanisms for monitoring government funds such as fiscal poverty alleviation funds, centralized treasury payments and funds in extra-budgetary accounts of institutions in trial programs. We will also strengthen security management of budget execution and government funds. We will redouble efforts to make good use of fiscal funds on hand and promptly recall funds that have long stayed unused in accordance with regulations and put them to use in other fields in urgent need of funding support. To improve transparency in public finance, we will strictly enforce regulations on the public release of budgets and final accounts, and work to make publishing more procedure-based, regularized, and institutionalized. We will also readily accept budget oversight from all sides.




2. Protecting the three priorities of people’s basic wellbeing, payment of salaries, and normal government functioning




To see that primary-level governments can function normally and effectively implement all policies, the central government will continue to sizably increase fiscal support to lower levels of government, while at the same time stepping up monitoring and analysis of local fiscal operations and strengthening unified coordination and regulation. The central finance authorities will guide and press local authorities to effectively enforce budgetary management mechanisms for pre-review, ongoing monitoring, and post-operational handling of matters to ensure they have adequate funding for the three priorities of people’s basic wellbeing, payment of salaries, and normal functioning; strengthen allocation of treasury funds; and establish a monitoring mechanism for fund allocations from central to provincial and provincial to city and county level governments.


Finance authorities at the provincial level must genuinely assume principal responsibility. They should allocate more funds to county-level governments to see they are able to meet the three priorities; review county-level government budgets to ensure fiscal outlays for the three priorities are in place, closely follow execution at the primary level regarding these priority expenditures, and formulate contingency plans at an early date for relevant risks in areas within their jurisdiction.


County-level finance authorities should take comprehensive measures to fulfill their responsibilities. They should continue to give precedence to the three priorities when arranging fiscal outlays and precedence to state-set standards when arranging outlays for the three priorities as a whole, and do their work well in relation to budgetary arrangements and allocation of treasury funds. All these will help us forestall any problems in this respect.




3. Managing and making good use of funds from local government bond issues




Provincial-level financial departments should diligently execute their legally prescribed duty of regulating local government bonds and strengthen regulation, put funds to good use, and ensure against the emergence of risks. They should fully exert the role of special-purpose bonds in promoting social and economic development, improve management mechanisms, optimize investment compositions with a focus on key areas, and appropriately raise the proportion of special-purpose bonds to be used as capital for eligible major projects to encourage more nongovernmental investment.


We will strengthen communication, coordination, and cooperation between different departments to accelerate the issue and use of bonds, and work for the launch of a group of major projects and the earliest possible start date for work on these projects. Compliance review and risk assessment of projects financed by special-purpose bonds will be stringent, to make certain special-purpose bonds are used solely for major projects with a certain level of returns and that the scale of financing is compatible with returns projections.


As prescribed by law, local government bonds should only be issued to fund public welfare capital expenditure, rather than regular expenditure. Accordingly, we will forbid the use of funds from bond issues for salary payments, government operating expenses, or pension benefits. We will work to see that local government bonds are redeemed on time by those responsible for repayments, and ensure no risks arise from local government bonds.




4. Accelerating fiscal and tax system reform




We will continue to deepen reform of the fiscal and tax systems with a view to modernizing China’s system and capacity for governance. We will take solid steps forward in the reform to define the respective fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities of central and local governments, implement the plan for further reforming central-local revenue sharing following the implementation of larger-scale tax and fee cuts, and promote the establishment of a fiscal relationship between governments built on clearly defined powers and responsibilities, appropriate financial resource allocation, and greater balance between regions. We will improve how items for transfer payments are set, and make transfer payment management more procedure-based, sound, and effective.


We will continue to build a transparent budget system that uses well-conceived standards and imposes effective constraints, improve the system of standards for budgetary expenditure, and develop better mechanisms for applying these standards. Preparation of government financial statements will be conducted across the board.


We will steadily advance reforms to improve local tax systems, clarifying what are taxes and what are fees to ensure local governments have more steady sources of receipts. We will implement the principle of law-based taxation and accelerate legislative work on VAT, excise tax, tariff, and other taxes. We will continue building a tariff system that suits China’s economic development.


Reforms of state-owned enterprises and assets will be deepened, and efforts will be made to promote the creation of a stronger state-owned asset oversight and supervision system with the focus on capital management. We will take solid measures to advance centralized, unified management of state-owned financial capital, and work to ensure that over time all state financial capital operations are covered by government budgets. Work on transferring a portion of state capital into social security funds will be basically completed.




5. Implementing comprehensive performance-based budget management




We will work faster to establish a performance-based budget management system that covers the whole budgetary process and all sectors, projects, and budget types, so as to improve the capacity for budget management and ensure our policies generate better results. We will improve mechanisms for performance-based budget management to ensure a correspondence between power and responsibility as well as compatible incentives, set up better performance management systems as well as a system of performance indicators and standards, and look into the roll-out of cost-benefit analysis to provide a reference for improving budget compilation.


We will explore performance-based management of departmental expenditure as a whole, conduct performance evaluation prior to the introduction of major policies and expenditure items, and strengthen reviews of performance targets and make them more binding. Oversight of ongoing performance will be strengthened.


We will carry out solid work in relation to key performance evaluations, work to improve the quality and expand the coverage of performance evaluations, and make such evaluations more science-based and reliable. We will put performance evaluation results to better use, and establish a sound mechanism for linking budgetary adjustments and improvements in management and policy to evaluation results. We will put into action the idea of linking spending to performance and performance to accountability, so that spending with poor results is cut, while spending with good returns is increased. We will vigorously promote the publishing of performance information, and actively guide and regulate third-party evaluations.




6. Readily accepting budget review and oversight by people’s congresses in accordance with law




In full compliance with the Guidelines on People’s Congresses Expanding the Focus of Budget Review and Oversight to Expenditure Budgets and Policies and relevant requirements of the NPC, we will willingly accept people’s congress review and oversight of budgets and final accounts. We will earnestly listen to and take opinions and suggestions from people’s congress deputies and people from all sectors of society, and in light of the implementation of major decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, improve the compilation of reports on budget execution and draft budgets and make expenditure budgets and policies more sound and effective. The resolutions on budgets and final accounts of people’s congresses and their standing committees will be fully implemented. We will actively assist with advancing online budget oversight. We will do a good job of comprehensively reporting on the management of state-owned assets and related reporting on specific issues. We will take the initiative to respond to the concerns of NPC deputies, provide clear explanations on relevant issues, and strive to better serve the deputies as they perform their duties in accordance with law.




Esteemed Deputies,




For now and sometime to come, China will face unprecedented challenges in development. Accomplishing the fiscal and budgetary work of 2020 will be a demanding and onerous task. We must unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and continue to follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We must proactively submit ourselves to the NPC’s oversight, earnestly seek comments and suggestions from the CPPCC National Committee, make the most of our time to do solid work and deliver real outcomes, and pool our will and strength to overcome difficulties and challenges. In this way, we will break new ground and score new victories in fiscal reform and development in the new era, and contribute our part to achieving the Two Centenary Goals and realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

  • 版权声明 本文源自 新华网sisu04 整理 发表于 2020年5月31日 08:04:36