Message by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the Third Anniversary of the Grenfell Tower Tragedy
Three years ago, 72 men, women and children were taken from us in the cruelest of circumstances, others lost homes, possessions, everything that mattered to them. Still more people witnessed scenes none of us would ever choose to imagine.文章源自英文巴士-
Three yeas on, the work of rebuilding shattered lives continues. Plans for a fitting memorial are gathering pace, led, as ever, by the local community.文章源自英文巴士-
And while no words can undo what happened, and no passage of time can heal the wounds inflicted that night, I want you to know that I remain absolutely committed to uncovering the causes of the tragedy and ensuring it is never repeated.文章源自英文巴士-
We’ve introduced stricter laws on fire safety, launched a billion-pound fund to remove dangerous cladding, and created a new watchdog to protect the residents of tall buildings. We’re working to implement every recommendation made by the first phase of the public inquiry. And the second phase, while it’s been delayed by coronavirus, is slowly but surely getting to the definitive truth of how this disaster was allowed to happen.文章源自英文巴士-
But for all this, I know that, for many, the…the trauma of what happened on that darkest of nights remains every bit as fresh and raw today as it was three years ago. And I know this anniversary is particularly hard, coming at a time when so many survivors and bereaved can’t even come together to share a hug.文章源自英文巴士-
But while those affected by Grenfell are not able to gather in person, I want you to know that all of us in this country are with you in spirit. You will not be forgotten. We stand with you, we weep with you, and we are with you today, and always.