第一题:英译中(20%) <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> This LICENCE is granted to Name of Company of Address to operate as a security company for supplying individuals to perform specified security work types for a period of 5 year(s) from May 1st, 2011 to April 30th, 2015 inclusive, provided that during the above period all prescribed fees are paid as prescribed, and subject to the provisions of the Security and Guarding Services Ordinance (Cap 460), and to those conditions specified overleaf.
第二题:英译中(50%) The Japanese judiciary is a unitary national system. Small claims and minor criminal offenses are overseen by summary courts, which are typically staffed by retired judges and prosecutors or former court administrative officials. District courts serve as the courts of first instance. In all but very minor cases, district court judges sit in panels of three. They are responsible for deciding all matters of fact and law. Criminal judgments can be appealed to one of the eight high courts. The Supreme Court, which functions as a constitutional court and court of last resort, sits atop this hierarchy. By law, Supreme Court justices are appointed by the cabinet. In practice, however, the judiciary selects who will fill a vacancy on the Court and the cabinet rubber-stamps the decision. In keeping with its civil law origins, legislation is the primary source of law. There is only one jurisdiction and criminal procedure is uniform throughout Japan. Criminal law is compiled in two documents, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Penal Code, which are the primary references for criminal adjudication. Case law is of only secondary importance. The Supreme Court determines how various codes and statutes should be interpreted and establishes conventions for adjudicating cases. In addition to exercising judicial power, the Supreme Court is the highest authority on judicial administration.
第三题:中译英(30%) 中国充分保障公民的选举权和被选举权。选举实行普遍、平等、直接选举和间接选举相结合以及差额选举的原则。中国宪法规定,年满18周岁的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况、居住期限,除依法被剥夺政治权利的人外,都有选举权和被选举权。 |
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