First Prize Winner:
Second Prize Winner:
徐麒淋 胡亚君
比赛原文:Half the rich world’s governments allow their citizens to deduct the interest payments on mortgages from their taxable income; almost all countries allow firms to write off payments on their borrowing against taxable earnings. It sounds prosaic, but the cost – and the harm – is immense.
获奖译文:半数发达国家政府允许其国民从应税收入中扣除按揭利息支出,几乎所有国家都准许公司从其应税收入中冲销贷款支出。这种做法听上去平淡无奇,但代价甚高,危害巨大。(汪鸣 译)
参考译文:半数富裕国家的政府都允许其国民从应税收入中扣除按揭利息支出,几乎所有国家都准许公司从其应税收入中冲销贷款支出。这些做法听上去平淡无奇,但代价甚高,危害巨大。(韩子满 译) |
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