凌波不过横塘路, 但目送、芳尘去。 锦瑟华年谁与度? 月桥花院, 琐窗朱户, 只有春知处。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 飞云冉冉蘅皋暮, 彩笔新题断肠句。 若问闲情都几许? 一川烟草, 满城风絮, 梅子黄时雨! Green Jade Cup He Zhu Never again will she tread on the lakeside lane. I follow with my eyes The fragrant dusts that rise. With whom is she now spending her delightful hours, Playing on zither string, On a crescent-shaped bridge, in a yard full of flowers, Or in a vermeil bower only known to spring? At dusk the floating cloud leaves the grass-fragrant plain; With blooming brush I write heart-broken verse again. If you ask me how deep and wide I am lovesick, Just see a misty plain where grass grows thick, A townful of willow down wafting on the breeze, Or drizzling rain yellowing all mume-trees! |
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