春意阑珊。 罗衾不耐五更寒。 梦里不知身是客, 一晌贪欢。 独自莫凭阑, 无限江山。 别时容易见时难。 流水落花春去也, 天上人间。 A Change World
(To the Tune of Langtaosha) Beyond the curtain, the rain keeps pattering, the spring on the decline. The satin quilt is not enough to resist the dawn chill. Forgetting I'm far, far away from home, in the dream, I was carried away with a short spell of pleasure. Don't lean on the railing, alone— the boundless view of rivers and mountains. It's easy to leave, but hard to see again. The water flows, flowers fall, and the spring fades. It's a changed world. (裘小龙 译) |
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