不为横陈忆小怜, 夜窗风细月如弦。 拟添银叶、 安稳耐孤眠。
百尺游丝牵别绪, 一痕蛾绿淡秋烟。 近来心事、 都在药栏边。
Blissful Memory of Love Shi
not for her spread-eagled body that has a claim to remembrance, But
the breeze outside the night window under the crescent moon. Now
add more incense to comfort my slumber in solitude.
sorrows are intertwined into gossamers for a hundred-foot distance, Whence
her eyebrows look like a film of autumn boon. Shrewdly
vexed lately, all stands there beside the roses in multitude.
(吴松林 译) |
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