齐天乐·咏蟋蟀 姜夔
庚郎先自吟《愁赋》,凄凄更闻私语。露湿铜铺,苔侵石井,都是曾听伊处。哀音似诉,正思妇无眠,起寻机杼。曲曲屏山,夜凉独自甚情绪? 西窗又吹暗雨,为谁频断续,相和砧杵?候馆迎秋,离宫吊月,别有伤心无数。豳诗漫与,笑篱落呼灯,世间儿女。写入琴丝,一声声更苦。
Crickets Jiang
first Mr. Zhang chanted a wonderful poetic prose, Like
the famous poet Yu Xin used to sing his Rhapsody
of Sorrows. Then
I heard crickets chirp plaintively from the hollows, From
the bronze door ring bases, And
from the stone wells covered with mosses. Hearing
this querulous sound of crickets, The
longing woman in her private room, Unable
to sleep, got up to look for the loom. Looking
at the winding mountains on the screen, She
thought of her husband travelling. What
was her emotion in such a lonely cold evening?
seemed to hear wailing wind And
weeping rain patter on the west window. For
whom the sound of the rain and wind now stopped, now continued, And
was accompanied with the clothes-beating sound? Travellers
feeling sad in the autumn at a forlorn inn, And
concubines in a temporary palace falling into disfavor with the king, Would
be all the more heart-broken When
they heard the plaintive sound of crickets in a cold moonlit evening. In
the Book of Songs a poet wrote an impromptu
poem on crickets with deep feeling. Children
knowing nothing of the sadness of the world Try
to catch crickets in the dark with lights along the garden wall. Some
scholar officials have composed the chirping of crickets into music, Making
people of the world all the more sick.
(张炳星 译) |
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