唯天下至圣,为能聪明睿知,足以有临也;宽裕温柔,足以有容也;发强刚毅,足以有执也;齐庄中正,足以有敬也;文理密察,足以有别也。溥博渊泉,而时出之。溥博如天,渊泉如渊。见而民莫不敬,言而民莫不信,行而民莫不说。是以声名洋溢乎中国,施及蛮貊,舟车所至,人力所通,天之所覆,地之所载,日月所照,霜露所坠,凡有血气者,莫不尊亲,故曰配天。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> XXXI. It is only the man with the most perfect divine moral nature who is able to combine in himself quickness of apprehension, intelligence, insight and understanding: qualities necessary for the exercise of command; magnanimity, generosity, benignity and gentleness: qualities necessary for the exercise of patience; originality, energy, strength of character and determination: qualities necessary for the exercise of endurance; dignity, noble seriousness, order and regularity: qualities necessary for the exercise of self respect; grace, method, delicacy and lucidity: qualities necessary for the exercise of critical judgement. Thus all-embracing and vast is the nature of such a man. Profound it is and inexhaustible like a living spring of water, ever running out with life and vitality. All-embracing and vast, it is like Heaven. Profound and inexhaustible it is like the abyss. |
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