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2009-12-13 16:28| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 3580| 评论: 0

摘要: 杨宪益、戴乃迭 译

项籍者,下相人也,字羽。初起时,年二十四。其季父项梁,梁父即楚将项燕,为秦将王翦所戮者也。项氏世世为楚将,封于项,故姓项氏。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



Xiang Yu

Xiang Ji, whose other name was Yu, was a man of Xiaxiang. He was twenty-four when he first rose in arms. His uncle Xiang Liang was the son of Xiang Yan, a general of Chu who was killed by the Qin general Wang Jian. For many generations the heads of the clan had been enfeoffed in Xiang as generals of Chu; hence Xiang became their family name.

As a lad Xiang Yu studied to be a scribe. Failing in this, he took up swordsmanship. When he failed in this too, Xiang Liang was angry with him, but he said:

“All scribes do is make lists of names, and swordsmen can only fight a single foe: that is not worth learning. I want to learn how to fight ten thousand foes.”

Then, to his great joy, Xiang Liang taught him military strategy. But once he had a general grasp of the subject, Xiang Yu again refused to study to the end.

Xiang Liang was arrested at Yueyang, but procured a letter from Cao Jiu, gaoler of Ji, and presented this to Sima Xin, the gaoler of Yueyang, who thereupon let him go. Later Xiang Liang killed a man and fled from vengeance with Xiang Yu to Wu. As all the local figures lacked his ability, Xiang Liang generally took charge of large labour conscriptions or important funerals. And in secret he trained his followers and young men in the arts of war, to test their abilities.

When the first Emperor Qing crossed the River Zhe on a visit to Kuaiji, Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu looked on.

“Why not take over from him?” exclaimed Xiang Yu.

“Don’t talk so wildly!”said Xiang Liang, stopping his nephew’s mouth. “Do you want our clan wiped out?” But this sent Xiang Yu up in his estimation.

Xiang Yu was over six feet tall and so strong that he could carry a bronze cauldron. He was more brilliant and ambitious than others, so that all the young men in the district stood in awe of him.





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