功名万里忙如燕, 斯文一脉微如线。 光阴寸隙流如电, 风霜两鬓白如练。 尽道便休官, 林下何曾见? 至今寂寞彭泽县。
Tune: Autumn Swan on Frontier Xue
for far-flung fame as swallows in flight, Culture
hangs by a thread, none cares to be polite. Time
flies away as fast as flashing light, Like
frosted silk the hair on our forehead turns white. All
say it is good to retire, But
to be a hermit none has the desire. Up
to now only The
poet-hermit still feels lonely.
(许渊冲 译)
Untitled to
the tune of Swan on the Autumn Frontier Xue
busy swallows people travel far for success and renown, Like
a fragile thread the ancient rights come down, Like
lightening, time, inch by inch, flies, Like
white girdles my temples are snowing to my surprise. Often
you hear people say they prefer to resign from their post, But
you seldom find hermits in secluded places most. So
far, alas, that lonely Tao the Prefect finds no companions as they boast.
(辜正坤 译) |