矜高倨傲,无非客气,降伏得客气下,而后正气伸;情欲意识,尽属妄心,消杀得妄心尽,而后真心现。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Self-conceit and arrogance are the result of evil influences from outside oneself. Such influences must be suppressed; only then can healthy trends be encouraged. All one’s carnal desires and other distractions come from a twisted mind; only by getting rid of such mental distortions can one’s true nature be realized.
(保罗·怀特 译) The reason why there being arrogance is just because of the existence of undesirable trends from without; only when the undesirable trends are depressed can the healthy ones be promoted and developed. All the mundane intentions and desires in the mind are nothing but vain hope; only when the vain hope has subsided can the true characters come out from within.
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