and earth are everlasting, but the flesh of human being can never be regenerated.
A man’s life-span is only a hundred years long and will pass easily with the
lapse of time. Those who are fortunate to have come to live in this world
should not be unaware of the bliss being given life, nor should they disregard
the concern that idling away time is censurable.
universe lasts forever, but a man cannot live through all eternity. His
lifespan is about 100 years, and even these 100 years pass quickly. If a man is
fortunate to live long enough, he should taste the happiness of life, and at
the same time keep in mind that to fritter away his days would be deplorable.
White 译)
and earth are eternal, while one’s life can be lived only once. One’s life has
only a hundred years, and it is easily spent day by day. Those who are
fortunate enough to live in the world must be aware of the happiness of life;
they must also be fearful of wasting it.
the world has a thousand ages, I’ll never get another self. Though a life has a
hundred years, the days go by so fast. One lucky enough to be born must come to
know life’s pleasures, and must harbor the worry of having lived in vain.
Bruya 译)
heaven-and-earth is eternal, I won’t come into being a second time. Even in a
life of a hundred years, the days slip by very quickly. It is my good fortune
to have been born in this interval. I must not miss the chance to appreciate my
life of happiness, nor allow myself to dwell upon empty existence.
Aitken & Daniel W. Y. Kwok 译) |
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