玉壶买春,赏雨茅屋。 坐中佳士,左右修竹。 白云初晴,幽鸟相逐。 眠琴绿阴,上有飞瀑。 落花无言,人淡如菊。 书之岁华,其曰可读。
jade kettle with a purchase of spring1, A
shower on the thatched hut Wherein
sits a gentle scholar, With
tall bamboos growing right and left, And
white clouds in the newly-clear sky, And
birds flitting in the depths of trees. Then
pillowed on his lute in the green shade, A
waterfall tumbling overhead, Leaves
dropping, not a word spoken, The
man placid, like a chrysanthemum, Noting
down the flower-glory of the season,-- A
book well worthy to be read.
Wine which makes man see spring at all seasons.
(Herbert A. Giles 译) |
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