和大怨, 必有余怨; 报怨以德, 安可以为善? 是以圣人执左契, 而不责于人。 有德司契, 无德司彻。 天道无亲, 常与善人。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 79 Compromise with great resentment will surely yield lingering resentment; How can this be seen as good? For this reason, The sage holds the debtor’s side of a contract and does not make claims upon others. Therefore, The man of integrity attends to his debts; The man without integrity attends to his exactions. The Way of heaven is impartial, yet is always with the good person.\ (Victor H. Mair 译) Chapter 79 If terms to end a quarrel leave bad feeling, What good are they? So a sensible man takes the poor end of the bargain Without quibbling. It is sensible to make terms, Foolish to be a stickler: Though heaven prefer no man, A sensible man prefers heaven. (Witter Bynner 译) Chapter 79 Patching up a great hatred is sure to leave some hatred behind. How can this be regarded as satisfactory? Therefore the Sage holds the left tally, And does not put the guilt on the other party. the virtuous man is for patching up; The vicious is for fixing guilt. But “the way of Heaven is impartial; It sides only with the good man.” (林语堂 译) |
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