Message on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 2012年世界电信和信息社会日致辞 “Women and Girls in ICT” “信息通信与女性” ITU Secretary-General, Dr Hamadoun I. Touré 国际电联秘书长 哈玛德•图埃博士 ICTs play a catalytic role in creating opportunities for people in every walk of life, especially for those among us who are vulnerable and disadvantaged, while providing the framework for long-term sustainable development. 信息通信技术在为各行各业的人们,特别是易受伤害和弱势群体创造机遇方面发挥着催化剂作用,同时可为长期的可持续发展提供框架。 This year, on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, we are determined to harness the full potential of ICTs for the benefit of women and girls by eliminating gender disparities and empowering them to meet their goals and aspirations. The theme of this year’s WTISD, “Women and Girls in ICT”, aims to ensure that this significant, female half of the world’s population will march forward as equals. 今年,值此世界电信和信息社会日之际,我们决意充分利用信息通信技术的潜力,通过消除性别差异,为女性增权赋能以实现其目标和理想,从而使女性获益。今年世界电信和信息社会日的主题“信息通信与女性”旨在确保占世界人口“半边天”的女性将和男性一样,同等进步。 Women are the bedrock of our societies. They are the pillars of strength in every family and community. Yet gender inequalities remain deeply entrenched. Women and girls are denied access to basic health care and education and to equal opportunities at work. They face segregation in economic, political and social decision-making and often suffer violence and discrimination. 女性是社会的基石。她们是每个家庭和社区的坚强支柱。尽管如此,性别不平等的现象依然比比皆是。女性往往被基本卫生保健和教育拒之门外,工作方面亦无平等机遇可言。她们难于参与经济、政治和社会决策,还经常成为暴力和歧视的对象。 This situation is unacceptable and we must address it with all the means available to us. 这种情况令人无法容忍,因此,必须竭尽全力予以解决。 Gender equality is a basic human right enshrined in the UN Charter, and it is one of the main objectives of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). ICTs are tools that can help accelerate progress towards achieving this target, and it is for this reason that ITU Council proposed that we focus our efforts this year on women and girls, using the power of ICTs to provide new digital opportunities to end discrimination and empower women and girls to achieve their rightful place as equals in the world. This effort with ICTs must begin not only from the cradle, but from antenatal health care, reaching out to the remotest communities through telemedicine and other means ― with every mother, every girl and every woman guaranteed her birthright. 性别平等是《联合国章程》赋予的基本人权,是《联合国千年发展目标》(MDG)的主要目标之一。ICT是协助加速实现上述目标的手段。正因如此,国际电联理事会建议我们今年将目光投向女性,以便利用ICT的力量提供新的数字机遇,消除歧视,并赋予占世界人口一半的女性能力,争取她们在世界上的平等合法地位。而且对于ICT的利用不仅须始自生命之初,更应始于产前卫生保健,同时还应推广到最边远的社区,通过远程医疗和其他方式,使每位母亲、每个女孩和所有女性与生俱来的权利均能得到保证。 I call upon ITU Member States, Sector Members and Associates as well as academia and citizens’ groups to pull together every conceivable resource to ensure that women and girls in every community around the world have full access to ICTs in order to empower them with information and knowledge, to know their rights, and to seize every available digital opportunity. 我谨呼吁国际电联各成员国、部门成员和部门准成员以及学术界和公民团体筹措一切可用资源,确保世界各地的女性均能全面获取ICT,从信息和知识中获取力量、了解自身权利并把握住数字机遇。 I also call upon our other partners and stakeholders ― political leaders, policy makers, regulators, operators, industry and civil society ― to adopt policies and strategies that will promote ICT opportunities for women and girls. 我也呼吁其他的合作伙伴和利益攸关方(包括政治领导人、决策者、监管机构、运营商、业界和民间团体)采取有利于为女性创造ICT机遇的政策和策略。 National governments, private sector, donors, civil society and educationists need to acknowledge and support the central role professional women can play in further developing and servicing a dynamic and competitive ICT sector. The growing demand for a range of ICT skills around the globe present a unique window of opportunity to properly position girls and women in the industry and provide them with the tools necessary to succeed. 各国政府、私营部门、捐赠机构、民间团体和教育机构有必要认识到职业女性在欣欣向荣和高度竞争的ICT行业的进一步发展中可发挥的核心作用,并予以支持。全球对多种ICT技能日益增长的需求为业内做好适当准备的女性提供了独一无二的机遇,并为她们的成功提供了必不可少的手段。 The ICT sector in particular can pave the way by providing avenues of advancement to professional women at the highest echelons of decision making and by encouraging young women to seek new careers within the sector. ICT行业为职业女性走向决策最高层提供途径,并鼓励年轻女性在业内寻求新的机遇。 I urge you to celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day this year by paying particular attention to the special needs of women and girls, extending to them the benefits of ICTs so as to create a paradigm shift in opportunities offered now and in the future. An egalitarian and just society is the basis for a peaceful and prosperous world. 我谨敦促您特别关注女性的独特需求,使其从信息通信技术中获益,从而实现当前和未来所创造机遇的示范性转变。一个平等和公正的社会是世界和平和繁荣的基石。 |
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