清水堡 哨兵
都知道清水堡从不长水草,只埋着 一座殷商年代的城。天气好的时候 在湖底,我能望见那些断垣 残廓,挂满游云。几个考古学家 告诉我,清水堡清澈 透明,不生杂草,因为古代的砖瓦 城基,吸纳了洪湖的淤泥。但在清水堡 我从来不相信考古学,只相信历史 相信清水堡住着古人,在替我除草 剔杂,重修那座塌了的城
Clear Water Castle Shao Bing
Everyone knows seaweeds never grow in Clear Water Castle, only a buried city from the Shang Dynasty. When the weather is fine at the bottom of the lake, I can spot its broken beams cracked corridors, hung with clouds passing by. A few archaeologists tell me the castle is crystal clear, it doesn’t grow weeds, because its ancient tile foundation has absorbed the silt of Lake Hong. But at Clear Water Castle I’ve never believed the archaeologists, only history, only believed the primordial ones living there, weeding for me on the bottom, where they are rebuilding the city.
(Kyle Anderson 译) |
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