水雉 哨兵
仲夏时分早就过了众鸟的孵化期,但在洪湖 湿地保护区,一只水雉 却趴在芡实上,捂实那窝鸟蛋 横住了我的去途。整个傍晚 我们就这样默不做声,彼此 对峙,似友 更像死敌。时光 就此倒流,湖面上的空寂 和薄雾,仿佛战争过后的惨景 我期待着它能快点飞走,好让我 赶在天黑前,打探清楚 七十年前水牢的位置。但水雉 却堵在独木舟前,神态安详 镇定,丝毫不亚于 那些受刑领死的先哲
Jacana Shao Bing
In midsummer, far past the roosting season, in the protected wetlands of Lake Hong, a Jacana broods over some gorgon fruit, hovering over them like eggs in the middle of my path. Through the night the Jacana and I maintain our silence, facing off, like companions but more like mortal enemies. Time reverses its flow, the solitude on the lake surface and the mist, seem like the tragic aftermath of war I expect the Jacana to fly away, so that I can beat sundown, on my quest to find out where those watery jails used to hail. But the Jacana blocks the canoe, its manner serene unperturbed, no less than those ancient sages on the eve of martyrdom
(Kyle Anderson 译) |
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