The 7
Personality Traits Which Always Attract Women
Scott Patterson
Do you know the one thing which
is most attractive to women?
You’re completely wrong if you
answered looks, youth or money, then!
The truth is women are always
attracted to guys with unique and interesting personalities. In order to be
successful with women, you have to know the right kind of characteristics to
display to women.
In the next few minutes, you’ll
learn the most important personality traits to display that will draw women to
you. Let’s get started.
Trait #1 Confidence
Whenever you’re talking to women,
you have to show absolute confidence in yourself. No matter what happens or
comes up, you should act like it doesn’t faze you. A confident guy can roll
with the punches and handle himself in all situations.
Trait #2 Mysterious
When you first meet women, you
want to project a mysterious personality. What you want to do is meet women,
and not be specific about your life. Instead of taking the time to talk about
your background, learn to tell interesting stories about what you’ve done or
things that have happened to you.
In other words, let your
personality shine through. Not your background or social status.
Trait #3 Desirable
I’m going to be honest here.
Women like guys who are pursued
by other women. To trigger this reaction, you should flirt and meet with
multiple women, instead of trying to attract a single one.
So next time you’re in public,
try meeting and flirting with different women. Eventually you’ll find that
there will be a few women who are competing for your attention.
Trait #4 Center of attention
When you display this trait, you’ll
become the guy who captivates the interest of every person you meet. In order
to display this trait, you have to establish yourself as an authority with interesting
things to say.
When you become the focal point
of a room, you’ll be able to easily draw beautiful women to you.
Trait #5 Fun to be around
An attractive guy is somebody who
can bring fun and excitement to a conversation. If you can make women enjoy
themselves when they’re around you, then it’ll be easy to attract them.
So instead of talking about
serious stuff like work, school or your family, try to behave in a flirtatious
manner and talk about fun things.
Trait #6 Strength
Having a strong personality is
one of the best ways attract women.
You can show this personality by
always looking a woman in the eye and maintaining length eye contact. In
addition, you should be a person who sets high standards and lives by them.
Trait #7 Be challenging
One mistake other guys make is to
be too aggressive with women.
Instead of doing this, you should
try make her work for your attraction. For instance, you should do a few things
leaves her wondering if you like her. The more she has to work for your
affections, the more she’ll be into you.
In order to attract women, you
must have a unique personality.
By cultivating the traits that I’ve
described in this article, you’ll become the type of guy who can stand out from
the crowd. All you have to do is practice demonstrating these traits, and you’ll
dramatically increase your success with women. |
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