[A] He is as happy as she is sad. [B] He is more shy than unsocial. 译文: [A] 他很高兴而她却很难过。 [B] 与其说他不喜欢交际,不如说他羞怯。 解释: [A] 这种结构与I'm as tall as you(are). (我和你一样高。)或 He's as intelligent as she (is). (他和她一样聪明。)不同; He is as happy as she is sad. 从字面意义来解释,指他的高兴程度相当于她的难过程度。 范例: Your speech is as interesting as he is boring. 你的讲话很有趣而他的发言枯燥无味。 One is as light as the other is heavy. 一个之轻正如另一个之重。 The policy is as cynical as (it is) dangerous. 这一政策既危险又冷酷无情。 [B]中 more... than 作 “与其说……倒不如说”解。 范例: He was more frightened than hurt. 他的伤倒不算什么,只是受惊不小。 So far heat polution has been more a threat than a fact. 迄今为止,热污染虽未成为事实,却是一大潜在的威胁。 Their affluence is more apparent than real. 他们的富有是虚有其表。 注:与more... than 构成反义的相应结构是 less... than,如 He was more frightened than hurt. 可改成 He was less hurt than frightened. 再如: He was less angry than surprised. 他并不怎么生气,更多的倒是感到惊讶。 |
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