11 Recently the rise in phenomenon of /problem of /question of... has drawn / aroused public / popular / grave / world-wide attention caused /aroused wide / general / considerable / international concern arisen /loomed up /cropped up as controversial /as noteworthy/more distinctly for settlement 11.1 Recently, the alarm about the problem of the use of genetic technologies on human beings have caused wide public concern, and understandably so. With nuclear energy threatening global catastrophe and with so many other technological advances visibly damaging the quality of life, who would wish to have scientists tampering with man's inner nature? Indeed, fear of such manipulation may amuse even more anxiety than fear of death. 最近,有关把遗传技术用于人类自身而产生的问题的警示已引起了公众的广泛关注。这是可以理解的。核能开发正威胁着全球的生存,其它许多技术进步也正明显地危害生活的质量。在这种情况下,谁还会希望科学家来任意改变人体内部机能呢?确实,害怕对人的操纵所引起的担忧可能会超过对死亡的害怕。 11.2 Recently psychologists have found only about two percent of adults use their creativity, compared with ten percent of seven-year-old children. When five-year-olds were tested, the result soared to ninety percent! The findings set off many people thinking. Curiosity and originality are daily occurrences for the small child, but somehow most of us lose the freedom and flexibility of the child as we grow older. The need to follow "directions" and "do-it-right", plus the many societal constraints we put on ourselves, prevent us from using our creative potential. 最近,心理学家发现在使用自己创造力方面,成人只有2%,而7岁的儿童竟有10%。如果在5岁的儿童中测试,这个数上升到90%。这些发现引起许多人思索。好奇心和创造性每天可在小孩子身上发现,而当我们逐步长大成人,多数人丧失了孩子的那种自由和灵活性。“按常规去做”,“按正确的去做”,以及种种社会的清规戒律把我们束缚住了,使我们无法发挥自己的创造潜力。 12 Recently the issue /problem /question of... has been in the limelight. brought into focus. brought to public attention. posed among the general public. 12.1 The problem of development vs. environment has now been in the limelight. Nowhere is the clash more visible than in China, where the world's largest population faces pollution, deforestation and acid rain on a large scale. 现在发展与环境的问题已成为人们议论的中心。在中国这对矛盾表现得尤为明显。这个世界上人口最多的国家正面临着大量的环境污染、森林减少以及酸雨的袭击。 |
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